that's the roaring 20s for you. Novelty and dixie, foxtrot style orchestras (benny kruger, zez confrey). They built on the principles of early ragtime. I played a few of Confrey's pieces for solo piano, they are really great (harder tho, but I can still play them well). I like some of those as well. The last one is of Billie holiday, strictly jazz.
BTW yesterday, 24/11/2018, was 150 years birthday of Scott Joplin, king of ragtime!! coincidentally enough I was born 23/11 as well, so we're a day apart (and 125 years)
I was celebrating his birthday by playing some of his ragtime pieces (the ones I remember well) like: the Cascades, Maple Leaf rag, Searchlight rag, the Easy Winners, Swipesy Cakewalk and Weeping Willow (he has so many I really like, but it I had to choose 3 I'd definitely place Searchlight Rag and Weeping Willow at no. 1 and 2 as his best works)
Also I like composer Joseph Lamb. He's a genius at work. My favorites are definitely "Reindeer Rag" and "Ragtime Nightingale"
I also composed a couple of really good (I don't like to blow my own horn but telling the truth) ragtime pieces in the spirit of the classical era (~1900-1915). Will be able to post when I get my studio desk up and running at last, and a video camera because this is something I wanna cherish.