ocean wrote:
sounds good...i liked it...but i want you to record more raps...that would be dope
I'd like to get back to that, but the very next bit of original music I record is going to be some d-beat because sometimes I like drums that go
boom-bapabap boom-bapabap instead just
boom bap.
It's depressing to realize but I'm way better at coming up with rhymes when I'm manic and unhinged.
kraftiekortie wrote:
Sounds like a cross between Tom Petty and Bob Dylan.
Very excellent!
Thank you. I've always liked singing that's a bit rough around the edges; well that and harsh vocals.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.