Jonny wrote:
I also use a PodXT. Is that good enough to amp the SM57? It doesnt have phantom power so I cant get a condenser.
I'm not familiar with the PodXT, but I from what I know about the POD that I had, there was no XLR ( 3 prong pro audio connector as used on mics) input, and I would believe that to be the same with the XT model.
If you tried to use it with an XLR to .25" tipring adaptor, you would not only lose signal strength, but you would also raise the noise floor as the adaptor houses a small line transformer to match the impedance.
Also, the Pod is a processor that is designed to digitally model the distortion and frequency/harmonic response characteristics of Guitar and Bass amps. A decent mic Preamp on the other hand is designed to have flat frequency response as well as no harmonic overtones and phase linearity from 20Hz-20Khz, or on the high end ( IE, like a Neve) flat frequency response from 5Hz -100Khz, with Phase linearity, as well as no overtones.
Barring that, the Pod may work, but you may also have to deal with the very real possibilities that there will be an impedence mismatch, as well as perhaps a discrepancy between the signal level between your Pod between the Pod and your soundcard/AD converter. Consumer electronics usually utilises a line amplification level of -10db, whilst a lot of Professional grade electronics utilises a line level of +4db. The theory behind the hotter pro level signal, is that the noise floor remains constant with that of consumer grade electronics, but is offset by the hotter signal.
I think that
>>this item<< would have no problem, and the USB port also provides the phantom power. --I have no idea of what it sounds like, though.
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