Deus_ex_machina wrote:
computerlove wrote:
Deus_ex_machina wrote:
username88 wrote:
Because they are Kvlt Underground so they sell 10 copies of their albums
Thats why.
Nope, King Diamond.
King Diamond! So I was one of those ten people
Liar, you probably just downloaded it.
Oh and Danzig also has lyrics dealing with Satanism/Satan.
Nope. I was a big fan of King Diamond, I started with Them, then got Conspiracy, No presents for Christmas, Fatal Frame?(one with a drawing of a girl), The Eye, and some by Mercyful Fate (Don't break the oath). On tape, no less
One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.