BeyondInfinity wrote:
also how could you encapsulate William Burroughs with out the Junk (heroin), or Piccaso without the Absinthe?
Burroughs was also a homosexual and Picasso wasn't into Absinthe, Toulouse Lautrec was the most famous and had suffered as a child. (post script: I was wrong about Picasso's drinking habits, my apologies)
I think those into the the self medicater's had it there to begin with. But yeah some had insights brought on by other things. I kind of doubt the drugs or booze was the real inspiration. I have pretty much decided that those are just parts of the many heads of the beast. There is a deeper core.
Lennon didn't get his inspiration from LSD (I don't think the deep inspiration), he was well read and lived a rough upbringing. He also had a mental condition, he was fully aware he was different as a kid.
Lennon is a bit of a hero to me. His Come Together was sheer genius. Rip himself apart and show you how to build it yourself, all in a short poetic song that had wonderful music to it. Strawberry fields is full of duality and he knew what he was saying. He pointed straight back to it in Glass Onion. As much as the press could rip him apart, no one, no one could do it better then he could to himself. That's pain man, that's pain. And all he wanted was a little peace.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.