Reading, even when I enjoy it... sort of puts me to sleep.
I'm much more of a visual/audio learner... and words that are too dense or too descriptive tends to cause bottle necks in my brain. It's like looking at a picture that's too busy... too much information for me to process at the same time.
I do like reading in that much is completed in my brain. It makes my experience with a text unique. Also, for fiction some things are just impossible to represent outside of text... like how someone really feels... their thoughts... fantastic things it's impossible to draw a picture to describe.
One thing about reading that I don't like... especially novels is the time commitment required. On the one hand it can make deeper stories than other mediums... but I don't want to read it unless I'm pretty much guarantied to like it. Since reading isn't my favorite past time... I don't want to put forth the effort to find out I hate it. I kind of need a guide, someone with the exact same preferences for novels that I do, to show me the way.
Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.