MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
It's cool that you've done it and won twice, you have any tips you can share?
You're allowed to pre-plan to your heart's content, so make an outline and character sketches if you already have something in mind. (The
only thing you can't do is to actually start the manuscript prior to November 1.)
Work on it when you can. Write outlines on the backs of utility envelopes if you have to.
Don't waste time editing. Just write. If you get stuck, add something completely ludicrous to the manuscript... "Suddenly, the Purple Jello Beast attacked!" "Heads turned as Armand the Lawnmower Assassin stalked into the room, trailing rhododendron-scented shredded newspaper from the heel of his Air Jordans." Sometimes you even get something that fits in the story.
I wrote a piece of science fiction/fantasy/fandom humour last year. By the time my manuscript was in full swing I had a litter of cat warriors from the Pleiades; two penguins on skateboards; a growing contingent of Norse gods; a barely-disguised fantasy author of my acquaintance; three characters from the previous year's murder mystery; (approximately) 100 Chinese tea dragons; two rather incompetent Sidhe with a lemonade addiction; and a Babylonian goddess who likes to sing karaoke, much to her brother's dismay.