Adrie wrote:
Abstract art is such a controversial topic; people tend to either love it or hate it.
Voted 'neutral', because it's
both. Saying I love or hate abstract art is like saying I love or hate winter or summer. Truth is I love
and hate (ambivalent combination of incongruent reactions) all these broad catgories of experience. Depends on the particulars, of how I am & what item or event I'm perceiving. "Abstract art" isn't "just one thing" in my mind, it's wide range.
I generally prefer appearance of textures, patterns, doodles to anything figurative or identifiable as subject of "art". (example: Jackson Pollack). Yet, I also get really annoyed & bored by stuff that seems pretentious and looks too simple/indistinct/vague/easy. (example: Mark Rothko).
There are pieces of art that contain communication of interest but are visually uninteresting or repellent-then whatever message (if there is one) seems unlikely to be absorbed. Some stuff is neat to look at & other stuff has something to educate our intellect and/or emotions.
Have painted & still draw. Make mazes by hand-they're more abstract than representational, though have used familiar/conventional outline of letter or shape of planet (maze gets filled in afterwards). Also draw mandalas, geometric & organic stylized doodles with repeating symmetry. I doodle because I can stand to spend many hours doing so & am pretty good at it (I like my creations & so do other people)-
not because I'm "saying" anything at all-they're purely decorative in my eyes.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*