A part of
and so it was as it ever was since then. back at the time, long long ago, longer then the longest log. it was at that moment when the story would not begin or even start, but it was then when all the pieces come together. it was the evolution of this story back then, but the weird part is that that time is now the same as now, which of course is the same as back then.
the haze of the smoke was as thick as the room robbed of light. the music was alive and bright while the little red ants danced to the psychedelic funk. this is the room of 306, also known as a haunted room to be exact. haunted by what you ask, that you'll find out later.
outside we hear the jets and sirens. but we never knew fear, fear is a sin. how can you worry and be scared if you believe in god? if something bad were to happen, then thats god decision, who are you to say otherwise? if something good happens, then don't forget that that big guy gave you a helping hand. unfortunately today we don't need the old judeo-christian god, we got the system. the system is always around, and always making sure we all obey the morals and ethics of life. kinda like god, but they're quicker, all you need is 3 numbers 9-1-1.
Layrent was no beginner to life, he's a veteran of 28 years, but a mind of a 56 year old china wise-man. the intelligence was so overwhelming it interfered with living, how can he live in a reality which he's not a part of. Always lost, and never knowing the direction, Layrent was a mindless road warrior. the only way Layrent could keep his sanity and control was to always progress and no matter what, fully take in the orphan reality he's adopted. this reality is lost and confusing. its now his job to make some sense of whats going on.
did you ever think where laws come from? think of your society without laws. wait, don't go straight into the robing and killing. thats not what i'm talking about. think of the average person, they'll probably continue living and working the same, not everyone wants to go rob tv's from storefronts. the lack of laws is a big thing, for the better or worst. as humans in this reality, we can do whatever we want. we are born with a blank mind and everything we do and don't do is a decision we make. it is the law which says no. every single law is part of a Do Not Do list. yes, even hate crime laws prevent someone from doing something. what they are doing is not the issue, its making someone take an action in their life that contradicts that persons idea and usual corse of action.
so now the room is darker, an odd observation since there is no light coming into 306 for a while, must have been the curtains. but odd that starting at 2pm, darkness is the theme of 306. but there is a little bit, teeny tiny bar of light coming in through the side of the window, where the curtain ends. the bed is still half made despite constant laying and moving, mostly for the long reaches for the smoke machine.
down to the side on the other side of the girls exists the land of hey-ho. oh boy, you'll sure love this. think of the most amazing and pleasant place ever!! ! now throw that materialist or fake hippie crap away and go to the complete opposite. a place of things you never knew or saw or even experienced. why the hell would you go to some place where you know what to expect? Thats Boring. come on, if you're someplace difficult and inconvenient guess what? you gotta do something to adapt. OMFG thats right, i said do something. your comfortable, precious world will only take you so far. lets see how well you do when challenged? ha, not a race, or debate, but challenge you, your body and self. find out what you can do when stripped of comfort and thrown into your worst nightmare. your mission: turn that into everyone else's paradise. <<note: i didn't say everyone's heaven cause the system doesn't like the further expansion of heaven. religion is their biggest competitor>>
there he is, that Layrent. never satisfied he continues to roam around trying his best to blend in. worst then an Alien on earth, Layrent doesn't even know where home once existed. its too much now, the patience is gone and the cork's popped. there must be a way. everything is possible. its all up to our imaginations to use the tools and resources available to make it happen. but its tough. there's work, school, expenses, friends. life's a lot more complex then before. where's the freedom we're won by being born on the right country?
what are you, and what do you need to survive? do you think of you as head to toe, and down both arm lengths, or are you a plasma like soul type being waiting to be set free by your creator? is your hands the most important part of "you"? how about your buttocks, i know a few people who love their ass more then those who f**k it. well what ever you decide to be your favorite be sure to exercise it and make it strong. cause thats who you are and you depend on yourself to continue living in this reality.
Dear reader: i am going to take a break and be back in a few minutes. i'll continue the story then. i'll even keep track of the time, its 8:03 right now. oh, i should really check the time cause Les wants me to call her at 10, its 8:04 right now so i have one hour and 56 minutes to call her. <<break>> ok, i'm back, its now 8:19 i have 1 hour and 41 minutes, i think. time and math were never 2 of my fortes. those are things you can't change, its set in stone. how can you argue that its dawn or that 3+2=5? you just can't so they are more of a nuisance then a useful tool. its like laws, it could be whatever time you want it to be, but no, gotta follow the system's time.
you should never underestimate anyone for any reason. this means in terms of strength and ability and in value. racism is not just not liking a person's color. color is a human invention. if we didn't have a "color" concept, we wouldn't know the difference of an apple to an orange except that the orange peel doesn't taste as good. now i'm not bashing color, i love color, its infinite. we can invent color and mix it and no one can say anything about it. now back to racism. racism is not saying you don't like a person cause of their color, but instead that you underestimate their life value. you think they are worth less then yourself and therefore you should fear and not trust that person. not because they are "negro" or a white crackr, but because you feel you have a better reason to live then them. well next time you turn down a ride from a "negro" when your car breaks down, maybe you should consider the fact that the underestimated "negro" works as a paramedic and treated another "negro" from wounds by a drunk white crackr.
its now the time where the room color matches the sky color, the complete absence of color. its been a while but still not long enough. the pieces are coming together but it'll just take a little more time. the mind is racing.
lets pretend your thirsty, and all you have is a piece of paper that says: 5 US Dollars. this piece of paper is owned by the system, and provided to you for the purpose of commerce. the vending machine only takes 1 US Dollar piece of papers. of course you find the nearest retail store and ask for change. STOP. once you make the question stop time. now think about the other person's situation. they can do one of two things. say yes or no. yes means they aren't selfish and don't mind providing free labor and risk running out of singles. no means that you are one of the hundreds of people that person sees a day and you're nothing special. but you are. you are thirsty and the quench of thirst has become the most important part of you, so you demand that you find a way to quench your thirst. the other person could care less. from your point of view: you must have your thirst quenched at any cost. from their point of view: they gotta sell to as many people as possible no matter what. this kinda makes you lose your specialness huh? its no longer about you. someone else has an agenda and there's no room for you.
passion and desire drives people crazy. those are probably the 2 most motivational things out there. some will satisfy their desire before satisfying their health. and there's so much desire and passion that people even invented a word for it, spontaneous decision making. you know why people like that? its cause there's no limit to our decision making. we can decide to do anything we want, now acting on it is different. so what happens to all these half-assed decisions? i say they're just recycled. if can't be done by one, it surely can be done by someone else. its just that lately people have been not wanting to do things, and this means there's all this unfinished desires around waiting to be completed. they're everywhere!
Layrent is still looking for either his home reality or the ability to assimilate, which is kinda tough. but a thought came to his mind, he can be somewhere right now. at this very moment he can stand up, walk away and within seconds be in a completely different place, and who knows if he doesn't stop for days? the thought drove him insane and still Layrent continues to wander to everywhere just based on the motivation to be everywhere and experience the infinite horizon.
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