some of my poems... tell me what you think ^_^

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13 Nov 2007, 9:55 pm

The Woman in the Fountain
the woman sits in frustration
searching for some inspiration
just blank paper, no production
having trouble with creation
looking down into the fountain
a curious glimpse of her reflexion
a closer look for introspection
in the water at her perfection
herself her muse, for inspiration
she wrote a poem of perception
of her own interpretation
of the woman in the fountain



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13 Nov 2007, 9:56 pm

i am dead inside.
like the dry, cracked earth.
like the desert during a drought.
like dust.

like dry, brown grass after self-combusting,
and burning away to nothing
in a blaze of pain and self-loathing.

The People walk on the sidewalk
in perfect rows.
in sync.
as one.
like a mass.
like a heart beating.
like Life.

Their feet strike the cement.
the beat of Life.
Thud Thud.
Thud Thud.
the constant rhythm and motion.


Living Their Lives and not even caring
or bothering to notice the dry, dead grass
blazing around them.

i walk across the grass.
through the fire.
through the silent screams of the forgotten.
of the burning grass.


the grass crackles around me.
under my feet.
like bones breaking.
like hearts breaking.
like hopes and dreams and lives shattering,
and becoming dust in the wind.
like death.

and then the clouds gather and bury the world.
like a tomb.
like a grave.
like rest.
like peace.

and the sky opens up and weeps for me.
like a funeral.
like a black-veiled mother.
like love.
like Life.
and i lift my head and stand in the Rain.
it washes over me.
over the fire.
over the world.

and i smile.
at the sky.
at the Rain.
at Life.

as the fire fades away
and the grass turns green again.
i hear the beat of a heart.
Thud Thud.
Thud Thud.

in my ears.
in my chest.
in my veins.

and i realize...
it's Mine.

the people have stopped.
they stand on the sidewalk
under umbrellas.

they look at Me.
see Me.
wonder about Me.
wait for Me to join the rhythm of Life.

but I stand in the Rain
and listen to My heart.
Thud Thud.
Thud Thud.

like Rebirth.
like Renewal.
like Reincarnation.
like Life.

and I smile at them as they peer out at Me
from under their umbrellas.
like masks.
like facades.
like fake people that will melt in the Rain.
the Life-giving Rain.
like a fake life.
I smile at them.

Then I turn and walk away.
like honesty.
like truth.
like Life.

I walk away as the Rain pours down on Me.
and I smile.
I am Alive inside.



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13 Nov 2007, 9:57 pm

While walking down the road one day,
I met a possum on my way.

It looked up at me, eyes so blank,
Void of knowledge, dim and dank.

Its fur was dirty grayish-brown,
Wet and matted on the ground.

Its tail, laid out, looked like a worm,
But did not move, no, would not squirm.

Its legs so stiff, they would not bend,
They would not run, would not defend.

Its mouth agape in silent scream,
As if in horrid, dreadful dream.

Blood had pooled around its waist,
Its guts, strewn out, had turned to paste.

A dreadful smell from it, quite bold,
It had been dead for time untold.

So in fascinated awe, I stood,
And watched the maggots do some good.

In morbid thought and evil sway,
I watched the rotting corpse decay.

And composed a poem of dreadful rhyme,
Quite strange and twisted, in my mind.



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13 Nov 2007, 9:59 pm

this one was mostly to make fun of my sister's sappy love poems... mostly... :lol:

Love Defiled
I see you walking
down the street.
You're someone
I would like to meet.

Your beauty I
can not define.
I deeply long
to make you mine.

I see your friends
are all around you.
Protectively they
all surround you.

I could destroy them
all so fast,
and then I'd make
you mine at last.

I want to brand you,
paint you red,
keep you chained
up to my bed.

Your skin's so pale,
you look like death.
I want to hear
your whimpered breath.

You're porcelain,
a china doll.
I want to nail
you to my wall.

I wonder how much
you would bleed.
I want to make you
spill your seed.

I want to hear you
scream my name.
To waste it all
would be a shame.

I want to make you
cry in pain.
I want to hear you
beg in vain.

I want you to
be helplessly
ruled, controlled,
and owned by me.

I want your
undefiled flesh.
I want to put
you in a dress.

I want to taste
and taint your skin.
I want to own
all that's within.

You're innocence
is like a child.
I want to make
your love defiled.

To break your
body, mind, and soul,
to own it all
almost in whole

To tease you,
watch your body quiver,
cut you, listen
to you whimper

But I could never
own your heart,
unless I ripped
your chest apart,

And pulled it from
you, bleeding gore,
and left you
dying on the floor.

But it would be
a deadly sin,
if I would mar
such perfect skin.

I could not do
the things I say.
I love you more
each passing day.

And as I watch
you pass on by,
longingly, I
wonder why.

I'll never tell
you how I feel.
I'll never make
you mine for real.

Cluelessly, you
walk away.
I wish that you'd
be mine someday.



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13 Nov 2007, 10:00 pm

The Beast
Morning broke bright and clear,
and the beast yawned itself awake.
it rushed toward the day
with things to give and things to take.

Like some thick, bubbling liquid,
the beast began to flow.
Like a writhing mass, a beating heart,
the beast began to go.

Today I joined the beast
in the hallways of my school.
It seemed assimilation
was the one and only rule.

Pushed along by the throng,
this massive, surging thing.
I felt the walls close in on me;
my lungs began to sting.

I felt like I would suffocate,
not being in control.
I didn't want to play my part;
I didn't like my role.

So in one last daring move,
I removed from it, it's head,
and then I killed the rest of it
to make sure it was dead.

So now I live alone,
with the spilt blood of the norm,
with the bodies of the people,
of all who would conform.



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13 Nov 2007, 10:02 pm

My Little Song
When I was a child, I sang my little song
But you thought it was disturbing, and oh so very wrong

And so you did forbid me, leaving me in tears
It was on that day that I was swallowed by my fears

So I began to slash my skin, my music oh so null
Until I couldn't feel my pain, or hear my screaming soul

Until all was discovered, and, convinced I was possessed
You sent me to the church, the shrink, and all the rest

They said, “find another outlet for the rage inside your heart”
And the Internet became that, so I wouldn't fall apart

I sat before the screen, never moving from that spot
Until you were convinced that my brain was gonna rot

So, my last remaining freedom, you also took from me
Leaving me to suffer, all alone in misery

So then, sitting in the dark, hearing every word that warps
To this, I'd been reduced, my soul a bleeding, rotting corpse

The silence was so deafening, I began to sing my song
Until the world was right again, and you could do no wrong

Until I came to realize that the demons in my head
Are the fact that you controlled me, and my one and only dread

But now I'm finally free, and I'm heading out the door
Leaving my little song behind me, with your body on the floor



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13 Nov 2007, 10:03 pm

I Am
I am silent and mysterious.
I wonder if anyone will ever truly know me.
I hear children laughing.
I see my secret crush.
I want to break free of my facades and scream.
I am silent and mysterious.

I imagine I'm in a cage, and can't escape.
I feel so very alone.
I touch your heart, but can't reach your soul.
I worry that I will never find love.
I cry, for my soul is torn and bleeding,
but you can't hear me.
I am silent and mysterious.

I understand that life is not fair.
I say I'm okay, yet I hide.
I dream of my only love.
I try to rise above the rest
while staying where I am.
I hope I can set myself free,
so I can set you free too.
I am silent and mysterious.



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13 Nov 2007, 10:04 pm

Those poems are very good!


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13 Nov 2007, 10:07 pm

a non-sonnet.. :lol:


Whoa is me, this hideous sin,
that doth make me deservant of a cold stone tomb,
the answer to the forever unspeakable question,
that casts me deep into eternal doom.

O, the sweet beauty of thy gentle youth,
that they should forbid the kiss of lips untainted,
and the plea of a fair boy, in torment but for truth,
but for thy innocent naivete were silent lies painted.

Yet for this jealous possessiveness that branded you mine,
I disdaineth this untrusting rage that spilt crimson blood,
for my violent and stormy heart hast slowly destroyed thine,
and yet thou diest at my hand, I beg thee forgive my cruel love.

And so at my hand, I die as well,
forever, my beloved angel, with thee to dwell.



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13 Nov 2007, 10:07 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Those poems are very good!


thanks :D



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13 Nov 2007, 10:08 pm

I used to be afraid
of darkness in the night
until the darkness entered me
and now I fear the light



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13 Nov 2007, 10:09 pm

In my dream, I flew very high
And wished that I could land.
On the ground, I saw the
People looking up at me
And wishing they could fly.


Pileated woodpecker
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13 Nov 2007, 10:38 pm

You have some awesome poems and hey I thought I just heard Tiger Army, there, but good music on your myspace. Is this seriously Japanese rockabilly? Its pretty close, anyway...

My favorite was Jealousy. Were you inspired by Shakespeare? Its a similar theme and point of view, and I think you did a great job putting that together.


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13 Nov 2007, 10:59 pm

BrutalRhubarb wrote:
You have some awesome poems and hey I thought I just heard Tiger Army, there, but good music on your myspace. Is this seriously Japanese rockabilly? Its pretty close, anyway...

My favorite was Jealousy. Were you inspired by Shakespeare? Its a similar theme and point of view, and I think you did a great job putting that together.

thanks :D i don't know what Tiger Army is... but the music on my myspace is from Naruto. :D i don't know who sings it...

i wrote Jealousy in english class in the 11th grade... we were doing shakespearean sonnets.. but my teacher never got around to introducing us to iamic pentamater.. so.. it's not really a sonnet. lol. she gave us a list of shakespearean words and told us to use some in our poems.. i was the only one that knew what all the words meant.. :lol: anyways, thanks :D


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Snowy Owl

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14 Nov 2007, 10:51 am

I liked the Woman in the Fountain. It reminds me of some things that I wrote when I was searching for inspiration - I decided to write about lack of inspiration and the writer's block that comes with it. You have expressed it way better than I ever could have! You found a muse in yourself.

Get confident, Stupid!


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14 Nov 2007, 4:30 pm

Quirk wrote:
I liked the Woman in the Fountain. It reminds me of some things that I wrote when I was searching for inspiration - I decided to write about lack of inspiration and the writer's block that comes with it. You have expressed it way better than I ever could have! You found a muse in yourself.

lol, cept it wasn't really about myself... i imagined the whole scenario in my head.. :D otherwise, i wouldn't have used the word "perfection." lol...
