riverotter wrote:
Sinsboldly, you are indeed very brave.
Street musicians make a place so much more cosmopolitan and vibrant, but yes it is dangerous. We know a woman who nearly got attacked while performing on a busy street also.
Thank you all, however somehow, when my actions are called 'brave' it doesn't seem the correct term, because I really didn't have any choice, we really did need cash and fast and I could sing and play.
What I am saying is I knew how dangerous it was but I just went out and put my case on the street and played my guitar and sang anyway. I did it and put up with the consequences that stemmed from making that choice. If I could have called up someone and be financially baled out and was able to stay in a hotel till I got it together is what I would have RATHER done, but this is what opportunity presented itself. Is that what bravery is? Doing what you HAVE to do?
If so, people that go to work every danged working day of their lives are the BRAVEST OF ALL.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon