My world is also so large it'd take ages to scratch the surface! The principal character, when you get right down to it, is Koise Barlow. He is a descendant of an alien race from the planet Inithial, who arrived on Earth in the 1920s. However, Inithial's sun, Buline, went supernova and engulfed the planet, leaving the few aliens on Earth stranded. One of these alien races there are called Renons, who are bipedal, furry creatures with large eyes, blob-like feet and a handy tail. Koise's story begins in 1977, where he is born in Wellington. When he is two years old, his mother dies from cancer (yes, aliens can get cancer as well), and when he is 4, he and his dad get hit by a drunk driver when out in their car. Koise's father dies, but Koise survives and is sent to the local orphanage. There he meets Booger, another alien race descended from the Buline System, called Smilafs. Smilafs can have similarities drawn to Pacman, in that he has yellow fur, and is essentially a head with arms and legs, with the Renon blob feet. They become the best of friends and run off together when a fire burns down the orphanage (Booger swears it wasn't his fault this time).
The two find a bunker-like place on Somes Island, and transform it into an underground base/home/movie theatre.
I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there