Self published is needed, for a manuscript goes through a lot of changes to become a book.
Just at Office Max they want $26.50 a copy for my book, and it was cheaper to buy the machine, and then it is $2 a copy, plus $4 for spiral binding.
From a writer's pont of view getting some people to read it gives feedback. It is about the readers, and if it does not reach them, change.
Publishing is tough. It costs, a lot. A private printing is 1500 copies at $7. A publisher would give away twice that to book reviewers, Librarians, and that comes after editing, layout, cover art.
My print line cost $1000, but I can produce in editions of four, or up to five an hour. I can get a production cost of under $3. For a large paperback. Online sellers are reasonable for what they do, run the credit card, make it available.
Without shelf space or promotion, there is little to drive sales. Putting two copies of each in Barnes & Noble is 20,000 copies, with more in the warehouse. Roughly $100,000.
I sell three books I did not write, and it has paid for the presses. Print on demand works for me. The first reader, the first ten, or hundred, will tell you what you are doing.
Kinko's Office Max and spiral bound gets you books to give away. Their 7 cents a page is about the same as an inkjet, the next step is owning a commercial Laserjet, then offset.
Squier is on the Barnes & Noble web marketing, and They do nothing to promote.
That you have to do yourself. Like most things, it does not pay to start. Self promotion is work, first you have to have a book, and build a name.
It involves public speaking, visiting book clubs, and getting enough notice that doing a book signing in a book store, someone will show up. If you write SciFi, get a table at conventions, more expense, but untill you are known, and know your market, there is not much use in spending lots, for you or a publisher.
Learn who else writes for the same market, check their sales, is it big enough?
How far along are you? Prepress costs, editing, paying people to think for you. Will you do what it takes to make it a book? Will you market it? Agents work for a fee, publishers for profits, how do you fit in?
Still working on my book, but would have it no other way.