I have been studying the works of Jane Austen as of recently, and have tried to write a companion novel to Pirde and Prejudice. But, the language is very thick, and somewhat beyond me. Not to mention my normal writing activities, which include work on a fantasy novel series not too out of line with Harry Potter. Standing in the shadow of such giants is very intimidating to me, but it is depressing as well. Can one ever live up to the standards the two writers I have chosen stand for? It pains me deeply, but creativity, while one of my strong points, is growing weaker by the day as I learn that there really is nothing new under the sun. I only wonder how a writer can push on, knowing the market and the great piles of work that lay before a person like myself? Feel free to respond, and to take me to issue for any point on which you find contemptuous. This is, after all, the Depressed Writer's liberation front