I don't intend it to be a huge book, maybe 200-300 pages or so I would hope. But informative nonetheless. I just don't think my chapters are entirely long enough.
I have written for newspapers. I have written texts and maintenance manuals. I have written operators manuals. Therefore I have a little background on writing non-fiction.
However, those are written to pass specific information and facts in an orderly fashion. Thus, the chapter length is determined by the fact(s) which must be laid out in that particular chapter.
If your chapters are about people and relate a particular situation and how a particular person(s) reacted to that situation, then that chapter will finish when that story is finished.
As has been said, there is no hard and fast rule. That is why we use editors. Even though I am a trained editor, I cannpt properly edit my own work. It just doesn't work that way.
Be very aware that you will have discussions, disagreements and down-right arguments with your editors, if they are any good at their job. Some you will lose and discover after publication that your were right, after all. Some you will win and discover that the editor was right. Most of the time, the two of you will work together to produce beter work.
The important thing is to write. Rewriting two, three and more times is not unusual and generally produces a better read than if you attempt to get it "right" the first time. I can remember spending large amounts of time on the first and second drafts and then throwing the whole thing away to write that part completely differently. Don't be afraid to be tough on yourself AFTER YOU HAVE WRITTEN IT THE FIRST TIME. Writing it the first time is the hard part.
Tools are dangerous only while being controlled by a human.