the tags and classifications on music can be unfair sometimes... but still rather handy. most of the music i listen to isnt very popular, and none of the music i listen to comes from america (unless we count Dethklok) so when the musically-ignorant kids ask me what i listen to (psh, like they care, they never said another word to me anyways.) i gotta tell them something theyll understnad. so i just say "most of the bands i listen to are from japan... hey you ever heard death metal from japan? its better than death metal from the netherlands XD" but they dont get it anwyays XD heres some of the main bands i listen to (not all)
Dir en Grey (yay godly bass)
Dolly (more godly bass, but more of a dark carnival theme to their music)
D'espairsRay (not much musical talent per member that i can pinpoint, but they sounds great and have a trace amount of industrial influence)
Shinkou Shuukyou Gakudan NoGoD (some almost-godly bass with the godly gutiarists, as well as having spiffy outfits. the only visual kei band i have seen to have unattractive members *as visual kei means emphasis on appearance and usually has 'pretty' people*)
Malice Mizer/Moi Dix Mois (my god, how fancifull. stuffed full of pipe organs and harpischords, as well as synthesiszed orchestras, its like baroque music with a death metal feel to it)
Versailles (a newer band than Malice Mizer/Moi Dix Mois, and less centered on synths and pipe organs. focuses entirely on guitars and vocals, not much in the way of the bassist, and more classical than baroque)
Sadie (similar to some of the stuff Dir en Grey had during the Vulgar album period. makes good music videos)
HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ (broke up in 2006, i believe. their lead singer never disclosed his/her gender, but sounds decidedly female... just not... doesnt sound like he/she would be an asian female, sounds more like an anglo-saxon race female)
ChelseA (very similar to HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ in having a feminine-sounding vocalist, cept ChelseA's vocalist told us his gender. ChelseA, i believe, disbanded in 2005, but i forget)
UnsraW (an angura-kei band from nagoya. sounds more like light death metal. still death metally, just not so heavy and thick, and thesinger has a LOVELY singing voice when not yelling, i love singing along XD)
lynch. (very similar to UnsraW, but lynch. tends to be heavier and a bit more hyper. the vocalist for lynch was the first vocalist for Deathgaze)
Deathgaze (THE number one in japanese death metal *angura-kei* thoguh theyve gone through 2 vocalists *theiur first being the BEST* and now has their bassist as a vocalist *his growling kinda sucks, but his singing is nice*)
Aural Vampire (darkwave/techno/electro 2-person group
their music has actually been heard in american nightclubs before and they toured germany some time last year)
there are others but since theyre not on top of my mind i wont list them <_<;