Do you also have that sometimes that you really dont like a band in general, and then suddenly they release one single song that really moves you or that you really like a lot? I really mean bands where you would never consider buying an album of or attending a show of, bands you dont rate high at all but who have one single song that does move you somehow.
I started this thread after checking another topic on WP where the poster mentioned some lines from the song "Adams song" by Blink 182.
I always disliked this band with their silly lyrics and their cheap commercial stuff, but out of curiosity I checked this one song and I must admit I like it a lot. One great song I must say, even though in general I will never end up being a fan of this band.
I can name a few other examples of mine...
1) Nirvana. I always found them very overrated, never really liked their type of music. Smells Like Teen Spirit is in my opinion an annoying song with rather pointless lyrics. Then, after several hits I really didnt like, they released Lithium. Great thoughtful lyrics, and the emotions of the person in the song are presented so well by the music and the vocal style. It would still be the only Nirvana song I would ever deliberately play though.
2) Sisters of Mercy. I know for a goth fan it may sound odd, but I never liked this band and their repetitive sounds, and their frontman has a way too big ego. However, amongst the many songs of them I would never want in my collection, they did release two masterpieces: Alice (some fantastic lyrics about anxiety disorders) and Marian.
3) Cradle of Filth. Worst live band I have ever seen, and on record they have gone downhill so rapidly ... But I cannot deny they have a very few songs, From The Cradle To The Slave mostly, where I do like the energy and the emotions in the song.
Do you guys also got some bands you absolutely loathe but who nonetheless released 1 or 2 songs that you secretly do enjoy?
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)