ValMikeSmith wrote:
I've heard that song but I don't know who sings it.
I do think that an impersonator might be able to fool their audience if they lip-synced to your version. Or to say it another way, if you look like the original singer then you could fool me into believing you are if you performed this live. The difference I hear is that your voice is more ... oops can't remember a word like "tremolo" ... than the "radio version" of this song as I think I remember hearing it. Not a bad difference at all though, because what I mean by "tremolo" is very common in good singing.
If what I said bothers you in any way, forget about me, because it's not like I'm Simon Cowell or anybody important in the music business. I just think it sounds good. (I'd give you an "A".)
Is vabrado the word you were loking for?
I always have vabrado in my voice , I cant sing long without doing it.
I am glad you think I sound good.
What you said didn't bother me at all, infact if you had said I did somthing wrong I wouldent mind because then I could fix it.
I love singing alot, thank you so much for the comment! Ill post more music if you want.
I take requests