Hi Lakelynn! Love your name. :0)
Before I knew I had Asperger's, I had taken acting and improv classes for a few years. Though I found I still struggled with the social portion of it, and had to try several different classes/teachers before I found my "home", it really helped me. ESPECIALLY helped with the eye contact situation.
In improv classes we were taught mirroring exercises where we literally stood directly in front of another and mirrored their every facial expression and hand movement. Though it was extremely daunting for me at first, I began to trust it and realized I couldn't be the only one in class wanting to run screaming. That exercise helped me to feel comfortable around other people, gave me the courage to give eye contact, and showed me the logic behind the importance of paying close attention to others' faces.
I encourage you to find a good, supportive group—and don't give up until you find one! I went to 3 different improv coaches before I ended up at The Second City (where I did really well). Acting classes, well, it may be different for you, but I seemed to repeatedly get acting coaches who would assign me sexual material which I was very uncomfortable with. I wanted to be funny, not sexy. I also learned later (after my diagnosis) I also have dyscalculia—the reason I could never memorize a script or monologue!
Best of luck and HAVE FUN!