A (trying to be) humorous poem about obsessions
You are the thing that I most think about
You are the only thing I care about
You are the name I love to hear
You are the word that’s music to my ears
You are the thing that takes up most of my day
You are the thing that won’t go away
You are the song played on repeat
You are what drives my friends crazy
You are the film that’s always on
You are the person I am the fondest of
You are the theme of my day dream
You are the one that keeps me going
You are the thing I keep on doing
You are the fan that keeps on spinning
You are my online history
You are all that I am googling
You are all the books on my bookshelf
You are the show that makes me laugh
You are what I base this poem on
You are my interest number ONE
You are my flavour of the year
You are what I hold most dear
You are the thing I go on about
You are what I am mad about
You are my biggest fascination
You are almost a perseveration
You are what makes the teachers wonder
You are what makes my parents ponder
I think I might aswel confess
I am well and truly bloody obsessed!
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.