I absolutely can't stand it (except for the Foo Fighters)! Post-grunge makes grunge sound like loud pop music and instead of being anti-establishment, they act like pop bands and promote their music with advertising, websites, and whatever else they have access to. Also, almost every post-grunge band I hear is trying to rip-off Eddie Vedder's voice with their vocals (Examples: Stone Temple Pilots( even though they are an okay band), Nickelback, Seether, etc.) and they're also trying to rip-off Kurt Cobain and Nirvana with their musical style (along with ripping off other grunge bands with their musical style like Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, etc.). I can stomach most post-grunge from 1994-2000 but once Nickelback became mainstream around 2001-2002, it has been an ongoing crapfest that will never end. People are so mindless if they listen to this crap and think they're cool. When will it ever end? (If ever.) 15 years of post-grunge is way too much!
P.S.- I voted for I hate most because I only like the Foo Fighters out of all post-grunge bands.
I'm a mix of Asperger's, OCD, and Anxiety Disorder and I'm proud of it!
Last edited by ghfreak13579 on 21 Feb 2009, 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.