you asked for it
I did not write this - it's by a poet named Anis Mojgani.. these lines are from my memory so they may sound a little random:
and we all wanted that high school sweetheart,
we wanted to be 13 and alive and meet a girl that was 13 and alive
and walk with her past the grandstands
and to sit and hold hands,
with the sittin that was something that you would miss,
... but that never was..
we once wanted to be poor, but not too poor,
connecting this country like Karovak and Thums, pulling small town waitresses in the back seats in trailer park homes.
until morning would find you with your pockets empty except for your hands.
but your hands would be over flowing with your soul..
but that's not what happened.
and we forgot what we wanted.
and we became what we become:
... and we are junkies and one kiss poems and we cry the stars,
as we ride our scars into dumpsters and electric boxes,
... and we dream to rise ourselves above these burning buildings...
because I know my life is like some high school kid's note book
that kid that shovels back and forth between school and home.. and we all just wanted to write these notes:
Check if you like me
Check if you don't
Check if you'll date me
Check if you won't
and we all wanted the stars,
but they end up fu**ing us..
what all of us wanted, and what none of us got,
what we all hadn't had, and what we all forgot,
that we all wanted to be something, that we all became something,
and it might not be the sh** we thought we would be when were kids,
but something, is still something,
and like some cats say, 'something is better than nothing,'
feet are smarter than an engine, and dreams are stronger than thighs,
... the mind of a child asking why is 2+3 always equal to 5,
where people go to when they die,
what made the beauty of the moon, and what made the beauty of the sea,
did that beauty make you, did that beauty make me,
will it make me something?
will I be something?
am I something?
and the answer comes -
already am,
always was,
and I still have time to be.
- Anis Mojgani "Here Am I" (slam poetry)