gbollard wrote:
A binary poem...
11001011 11001011
001 001 001 11001011
110 110 110 11001011
11001011 11001011
As you can see it has structure and rhyme... but is it good poetry? probably not.
I tried to translate it, but it doesn't divide by eight, so I got nothing.
gbollard wrote:
Art is art... there don't need to be any rules.
If there were entirely no rules, then I think there would only be one kind of art. This might seem a nutty thing to say, but I'll explain why I think this - it is possible to tell the difference between two types of art by what is accepted in them (traditionally, physical movement is used in dancing but not in painting, for example). If there were no rules then there would be nothing to distinguish between arts, for anything would be allowed to be put anywhere and thus there would only be one, universal, kind of art. It would be a mess, I think.
Of course, that doesn't mean there need to be strict rules, only the general ones that distinguish poetry from painting (poetry in language, painting in picture [and I understand these are traditional rules and not immutable law]).
But, I think that when it comes to poetry, fully free verse tends to come off as a chaos, because it isn't so controlled an environment - causing the poet to just write whatever they feel.
Ok, you might think that sounds like an odd thing to complain about, since the poet is supposed to be writing what they feel. But I think it is possible to do that in a disciplined fashion, and that if a poet can write exactly what they want to write while working in a discipline then it is superior to writings by a poet who is not working to discipline.
I think this because I believe order to have its own beauty, so a poem written in discipline will have an extra dimension of beauty when compared to one without order.
I'm not meaning to say that a free-verse poem is certain to be worthless (and so, I think I failed to express my question correctly in my original post) - but rather that I think a poem of some set form will, if all other things are equal, be the better poem.