CanyonWind wrote:
ummm... Let's see...
We have the entire male population of the world divided into two classes, nice guys and jerks, and we're wondering if the entire female population of the world should be in one class or two.
There might be a tiny bit of individual variation among humans.
From what I've noticed, there were nice guys I did not get along with and it's because along with their "niceness" came incessant whining, not leaving you alone etc..
There were nice guys I did get along with. They gave me space, had their own hobbies, intelligent and would have something worth saying.
There have even been some jerks I liked too. They had the aggressive jerk personality in front of their peers but when you had a chat with them alone, they revealed their soft side and also had the traits above like hobbies and intelligence.
The jerks I did not like were jerks non stop, bullies and so aggressive to the point of if they couldn't get what they wanted by asking they hurt others to get it.
I am the DAN Monster. I have your child. You owe me twenty five thousand dollars.
xx Dan Monster