I don't remember if I ever actually posted here or if I just tricked myself into thinking that I did. I've been reading it for a while -- once every month or so. Anyway,
Male (Name is Tom)
New York (Long Island)
Currently in college, 3 semesters to go. I have educational plans after that that may (and probably will) move me around the country, possibly into living on my own = potential financial wreck that I think about occasionally
I am:
5'9", 170ish pounds (and thinning, but crap do I hate exercise)
Employed as a direct care counselor at a tiny group home
Funny (but sometimes in a sick way)
Fairly independent (some 'reasonable' things get in my way. I hate getting my hair cut, but I manage to do it 3-4 times a year. No, it doesn't look outlandish.)
Occasionally conceited (see above )
Very open minded
Too trusting
I enjoy:
Talking about heated issues
I love:
Movies, will watch 2-3 a day if I can (Rarely 'can' -- pretty much all responsibilities come before movie time )
Spreadsheets, statistics, and other math analysis systems (Also enjoy talking about them)
Cooking (But only for two)
Computers & electronics
NPR. (If don't want to send me a PM PLEASE DO IF YOU LISTEN TO NPR. I'm just curious. NPR people are funny )
Country music. Yes. Country. Doesn't mean I don't like anything else. I pretty much love ALL music, including some rap, and classical/concert (pick your word, I don't care). But I. Like. And sleep to. Country. (Or NPR, lol)
Parenthetical comments (Duh)
And being long winded <333
*Frequently in intense social situations I shut down or black out (Depending on the situation). When I shut down (Parties, other social functions) my humor becomes crude and blunt and I get snippy, for lack of a better word. When I black out (Job interview, meeting important people 1 on 1, really awkward places (locker rooms...), giving speeches) I tend to accomplish what I need to (well in the case of interviews, people, or speeches) but I don't really remember much more than a summary.
*I like proving to myself I can do certain things. Hobbies (Sewing, knitting, black smithing, marksmanship, 3d art, movie making, etc). However once I proved it to myself I tend to lose interest.
*Very frequently my #1 nervous hobby is home improvement. Unfortunately I don't consider the house I live in to be home (Because my dad and brother do stupid things to it frequently). so "home" is limited to my bedroom. I've probably had about 5 serious furniture configurations in the last 3 years, mostly in seek of optimal use of space, but also to reflect my 'current activities.' (I recently started my own business with my brother, so I exchanged a TV, console games, etc, for a desk)
I'm looking for an honest female, of virtually any reasonable age living anywhere (to talk to) and in NYC or Long Island (to possibly meet). I have a problem communicating standards. Apparently they are high, but I think they are simple to meet. For instance: Must be interested in education. Doesn't mean you are attending school, but you must like learning. Must be responsible, and yes, earning money is a key to being responsible.
But I'll really entertain any PM from anyone
P.S. A lot of people think I am gay, or a dick. I'll be honest with you, I have no idea why, nor does my best friend understand this phenomenon.
P.P.S. Being long winded is often a problem for me