adversarial wrote:
You mix with that many gay people?
For the record, (again) I'm queer. Back in the early ninties I checked out the whole club scene as aa part of the coming out process. What I got from the club scene is that it's really not that much differant than highschool, only in the club scene, the people are older, more liable to be drunk, and more liable to be under the influence or addicted to drugs. However, the same childish cliquishness is there. --It's very much a ghetto mentality.
adversarial wrote:
From what I've seen and heard, judgementalism and bigotry are almost second nature to many gay people. Not the usual bigotries (eg racism, fascism, etc), rather the 'body perfect' fiction (which is also beginning to infiltrate mainstream society), socio-economic indicators, etc.
Judgementalism and bigotry are very much second nature to humanity as a whole I believe. Gay people have plenty of the usual bigotries as well. However you are talking about the whole quest for "The Body Perfect". That's not so much a 'Gay Thing' as it is an 'Insecurity Thing', coupled with a 'Having a lot of Money Thing'. A lot of people seem to have an insecurity with the aging process, and will go to great and expensive lengths to minimise it. Notice how most of the people who are having the body augmentation/plastic surgury are older, as well as fairly rich. If I was rich enough, and into the whole club scene, as well as having an IQ about 20 points lower I would probably consider it too.
However, I am none of the above, and I am fairly shocked that not only has Silicone based Life been found to inhabit the universe, but that they are amongst us! Seriously though, I don't think that anybody has done any serious research into the long term effects of Collagen/Botox injections, or Silicone implants. What are the people who are getting them now going to look like 20-30 years from now?
Ever see the movie Brazil? Seen any pictures of Micheal Jackson from the past couple of years? Heh, heh
adversarial wrote:
We often hear from some people about how the pro-gay messages in the mass media are dominating things (and to some extent, I think they probably are (it seems to be a kind of 'official position' on the part of governments and 'opinion formers' to present it as being as legitimate as heterosexuality))..
I don't know where you live, but the US Government government, (or at least the Executive and Legislative branches) are dead opposed to homosexuality being as 'legitimate' as heterosexuality. I also live in South Carolina, which before I moved here hastily scrambled to pass rulings that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that gay unions/marriages that were performed out of state would in the eyes of the State of South Carolina be considered Null and Void.
As far as the media (Much as I dislike them, I admit their position is correct) portraying homosexuality as just as 'legitimate' as heterosexuality, good for them. --At least they're correct in one small area.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!