List five things you LIKE about your love life

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06 May 2008, 7:37 pm






I'll add more later.

Pileated woodpecker
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07 May 2008, 10:33 am

Mikomi wrote:
My aspie husband can be the most irrational human being I have ever met. He has the ability to make my most irrational moments seem like moments of mind-shattering lucidity. It's not a strictly female characteristic. :lol:

But to the original question, I like that I identify with guys more. It makes everything easier. I tend to be simple in what I want of any relationship, I don't like all the complex signals and unspoken rules, and in my current situation I don't need to worry about that very much. Say what you mean, mean what you say. And since we're both the sensory-sensitive type, we find things to do that we both can enjoy (and tolerate).

I know. By "female irrationality" I was referring to the female style of irrationality. In other words, I occasionally see male irrationality, but i'd actually have to put up with and attempt to understand female irrationality if I was in a relationship.

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07 May 2008, 1:32 pm

5 good reasons why I like being single

-money saving
-no headaches
-no emotional pain
-can fart anytime at home without casulties.


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07 May 2008, 2:50 pm

velodog wrote:





I'll add more later.


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08 May 2008, 4:52 pm

(In a relationship)

1)having someone who doesn't shame me for being agoraphobic

2)Having a pair of eyes I can enjoy staring into.

3)having someone who can stay over all night

4)shared nudity and related activites


....but I also committed to being single for a full year and a half before this, so I learned how to appreciate that too.


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09 May 2008, 10:30 pm

1. I can sing loud and no one hears. (This is a good thing!)
2. I can sleep on which ever side of the bed I prefer.
3. I can go see all the sappy chick flicks I want to see.
4. I can wear tshirts and shorts to bed.
5. I can spend all the time I want to on Wrong Planet!

Cassandra Lou

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10 May 2008, 9:54 am

1. it's non existent
2. no headaches
3. less stress
4. no responsibility
5. i'm free to be myself most of the time

Pileated woodpecker
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12 May 2008, 10:34 am

Only 5 things that I like about my woman? Okay, I'll try and keep it that low, although I could probably write volumes about how much I love Aspiegirl87. :D

1. She's perfect for me. It's like she was custom-tailored made to fit my needs. Even months after meeting her, it still blows my mind how compatible we are.
2. She's absolutely beautiful; a fact that I remind her of daily and much to her delight.
3. She doesn't mind my often hit-and-miss sense of humor. :P
4. She likes to stay home and do things just the two of us. She knows how to relax and not constantly be in productive mode, like some women who are always thinking about what work has to be done in the near future like my mother for example. I’m a real introvert and she doesn’t mind that about me. We’d have just as much fun with a rental movie and a delivery pizza as we would with an extravagant night on the town.
5. She likes to be really, really close to me as I do her. Physically and otherwise. She also likes being spoiled by me. I never have to worry if I'm doing too much or showering her with too much attention, because she loves it all. I like being that close to a woman, and I finally found one who wants to be just as close to me. This is probably the most important part, as we share the same basic love style.

I love her so much and I think we will have many, many good years together. :D

Tufted Titmouse
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12 May 2008, 10:41 am

darkness2004 wrote:
Only 5 things that I like about my woman? Okay, I'll try and keep it that low, although I could probably write volumes about how much I love Aspiegirl87. :D

1. She's perfect for me. It's like she was custom-tailored made to fit my needs. Even months after meeting her, it still blows my mind how compatible we are.
2. She's absolutely beautiful; a fact that I remind her of daily and much to her delight.
3. She doesn't mind my often hit-and-miss sense of humor. :P
4. She likes to stay home and do things just the two of us. She knows how to relax and not constantly be in productive mode, like some women who are always thinking about what work has to be done in the near future like my mother for example. I’m a real introvert and she doesn’t mind that about me. We’d have just as much fun with a rental movie and a delivery pizza as we would with an extravagant night on the town.
5. She likes to be really, really close to me as I do her. Physically and otherwise. She also likes being spoiled by me. I never have to worry if I'm doing too much or showering her with too much attention, because she loves it all. I like being that close to a woman, and I finally found one who wants to be just as close to me. This is probably the most important part, as we share the same basic love style.

I love her so much and I think we will have many, many good years together. :D

Baby that was beautiful!! !! :heart:


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12 May 2008, 12:10 pm

darkness2004 wrote:
Only 5 things that I like about my woman? Okay, I'll try and keep it that low, although I could probably write volumes about how much I love Aspiegirl87. :D

1. She's perfect for me. It's like she was custom-tailored made to fit my needs. Even months after meeting her, it still blows my mind how compatible we are.
2. She's absolutely beautiful; a fact that I remind her of daily and much to her delight.
3. She doesn't mind my often hit-and-miss sense of humor. :P
4. She likes to stay home and do things just the two of us. She knows how to relax and not constantly be in productive mode, like some women who are always thinking about what work has to be done in the near future like my mother for example. I’m a real introvert and she doesn’t mind that about me. We’d have just as much fun with a rental movie and a delivery pizza as we would with an extravagant night on the town.
5. She likes to be really, really close to me as I do her. Physically and otherwise. She also likes being spoiled by me. I never have to worry if I'm doing too much or showering her with too much attention, because she loves it all. I like being that close to a woman, and I finally found one who wants to be just as close to me. This is probably the most important part, as we share the same basic love style.

I love her so much and I think we will have many, many good years together. :D

Does she have a sister by chance?

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.---George Bernard Shaw

8th Cmdmt: Thou Shalt Not Steal.

Tufted Titmouse
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12 May 2008, 12:36 pm

LoveableNerd wrote:
darkness2004 wrote:
Only 5 things that I like about my woman? Okay, I'll try and keep it that low, although I could probably write volumes about how much I love Aspiegirl87. :D

1. She's perfect for me. It's like she was custom-tailored made to fit my needs. Even months after meeting her, it still blows my mind how compatible we are.
2. She's absolutely beautiful; a fact that I remind her of daily and much to her delight.
3. She doesn't mind my often hit-and-miss sense of humor. :P
4. She likes to stay home and do things just the two of us. She knows how to relax and not constantly be in productive mode, like some women who are always thinking about what work has to be done in the near future like my mother for example. I’m a real introvert and she doesn’t mind that about me. We’d have just as much fun with a rental movie and a delivery pizza as we would with an extravagant night on the town.
5. She likes to be really, really close to me as I do her. Physically and otherwise. She also likes being spoiled by me. I never have to worry if I'm doing too much or showering her with too much attention, because she loves it all. I like being that close to a woman, and I finally found one who wants to be just as close to me. This is probably the most important part, as we share the same basic love style.

I love her so much and I think we will have many, many good years together. :D

Does she have a sister by chance?

no i dont


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12 May 2008, 2:28 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
-can fart anytime at home without casulties.

You obviously haven't been near a woman that has let one rip before, haven't you...

Yes, there are women out there that aren't ashamed that they're actually human beings and have bodily functions...


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12 May 2008, 11:57 pm

Here are some things I like about being single (and living alone):

1. I never get yelled at, or criticized for things that really don't matter (like what I wear, what expressions I use, etc.).

2. I can choose the music I listen to based on what I want to hear, without regard to someone else's preferences.

3. I never have to clean up after another person.

4. I never have to smell food that I don't like, or hear annoying TV background noise.

5. No irrational arguments about inconsequential things!!


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13 May 2008, 6:02 pm

(angry voice) I don't care if this pisses anyone off - here are my reasons for being single (wanna know who I am? I'm the guy that would go to the beach with an umbrella and a huge book showing "How to live alone and like it"). Complain to your shrink. I have issues, and it's none of your damn business.

1) I don't have to spend money on roses, flowers, extravagant gifts, and other materialistic things that most women, who are shallow, only want.

2) I don't have to be verbally or physically abused, or worry about changing a disgusting diaper, or being controlled or manipulated by some emotional freak who only cares about herself into doing only what she wants.

3) I don't have to worry about someone faking it (yes, on all levels - get your mind out of the gutter, and I will too).

4) I don't have to worry about what shape I'm in or act a certain way to be a stupid alpha male to keep her interest.

5) I don't have to worry about her baggage or problems that she has in her life that she has run away from because it is easier to do so.

6) I can fart in bed, and no one will yell at me.

7) I can play my music as loud as I want (as long as it doesn't disturb my neighbor, since I honestly wouldn't her to be disturbed out of my kindness and morality( yes, I have morals, but I can be as angry as I want to be)).

8) No woman would use sarcasm on me or make cutely little "making fun of me" jokes.

9) My phone bill is nice and low.

10) Grr...and the parties...I would never have to entertain the house to "her 23907249087589 guests that she invited".

11) I can study and hopefully live as a hermit someday.

12) I would win any argument that I have with myself.

13) I don't have any more stress in my life that goes with a relationship.

14) I wouldn't have to worry about someone in a relationship wanting to kill me to get everything I have.

15) No misunderstandings, fights, or revenge.

16) I can keep my problems to myself without burdening anyone else with them (and I have quite a few).

17) My life is a lot simpler.

18) I don't have to worry about offending her; just other people.

19) I don't have to talk a lot, and I enjoy that.

20) Oh, and that blasted air conditioner is mine! I can set it to whatever temperature I want without her complaining that it's too cold or warm!

21) I can be as lazy as I want to be and set my own damn sleep schedule.

22) I would never have to worry about anyone cheating on or lying to me.

23) I can be my grumpy self when I'm older without being complained to about it.

24) I can forget anything I want to: "Now, I want you to go to the store and get this, and this, and (20 minutes later), and this, and this...can you remember to do that?" Hell NO! But I wouldn't have to say that, because I'm single

25) I wouldn't have to live up to anyone else's expectations but my own.

26) No "honey do" lists that she has stored up for months and then she shows it to me one Saturday morning.

That is just off of the top of my head. I'm 34 and single, and I love every minute of it! I don't want a relationship. It would take a miracle to convince me otherwise - for I see absolutely NO *(^&*^&*%^& benefit to having one. Yes, I admit, I have been hurt many times in the past - but after weighing the consequences and reading this topic, I still am convinced that to be single in this day and age is the best way to be. May you all find fortune and love in the best way.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 May 2008, 11:04 pm

Dhp. . .I have no problem with people wanting to be single. For the people it works for...Great... and it DOES work really well for some people.

But I can't help but notice that you seem more than a little bit bitter about it. Sure, live alone, and do your own thing but I think you will regret (and I hope you aren't) shutting people out altogether. I am sure you are a person who has a lot to give, and I think you should still give it even as a single person...don't let bad past experiences get you down :wink: There are people out there who need you.


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15 May 2008, 1:49 am

Dhp, if I was a guy I would say "Yeah, more power to single guys! I feel ya man!" But I'm not a guy, I'm a woman. Still I know what you mean actually and agree with most of them from a woman's standpoint. Your post did not offend me at all so please keep that in mind.
I read somewhere once where most aspie women prefer the friendship of men because women are emotionally demanding and boring, and that's why I only have one woman friend but she has a lot of aspie traits and thinks a lot the way I do. Okay, so I've been married before and it sucked and I'll never go back to that or any romantic relationship and here's why. First I will start with Dhp's reasons and turn them into mine then I will go onto my own.

1) I don't have to pretend to be flattered by extravagant gifts, flowers and other materialistic things.

2) I don't have to be verbally or physically abused.

3) I don't have to worry about someone accusing me of faking it.

4) I don't have to worry about what shape I'm in or act a certain way to be a stupid alpha male? What is an alpha male anyway? I don't even know. Anyway, whatever it is, I don't have to be a female version of it to keep his interest.

5) I don't have to worry about his baggage or problems that he has in his life that he has run away from because it is easier to do so. My ex had an abusive alcoholic Dad so I ended up being his emotional outlet.

6) I can fart in bed, and no one will accuse me of not being a lady.

7) I can play my music as loud as I want, when I want, without worrying about anyone making fun of my style of music.

8) I can study and hopefully live as a hermit someday.

9) I would win any argument that I have with myself.

10) I don't have any more stress in my life that goes with a relationship.

11) No misunderstandings, fights, or revenge.

12) I don't have to talk a lot, and I enjoy that. Also for me, I don't have to cuddle with him to make him feel good about himself and help with his security issues. I hate cuddling.

13) I can be as lazy as I want to be and set my own damn sleep schedule. I love this one.

14) I would never have to worry about anyone cheating on or lying to me.

15) I wouldn't have to live up to anyone else's expectations but my own.

Wow, Dhp, you mostly covered it all for me, I'm just on the other side of the fence that's all. But the last reason I can think of for my not getting involved with anyone is this, and that would be
#16) I'm a fantasy type aspie and sometimes I zone in on certain men, certain personality types and have fantasy relationships with them. They don't even know it. The best part is they disappear when I wish them to, in my mind, and they're there instantly when I want them there, lol. But the reason for not getting into a relationship because of this is I don't have to worry about getting caught anymore thinking about my fantasy boyfriend and masturbating. :oops: I'm a freak, what can I say?