MisterHeron wrote:
Isn't it possible to restrict certain areas notable for them from using the site? Nations with bad scammer problems, such as Nigeria and Russia come to mind. I would probably focus on allowing more 'well-off' areas into the site, while focusing on eliminating third world areas from access. Or, you could always focus on forcing a location match with the IP address. Zip codes would be good in the U.S., so if their IP address doesn't show them anywhere near where they live, then you hide their profile until somebody checks it out.
The big part is that in both cases they lied a bit about where they were, and probably who they are.
Ehm, isn't this a bit drastic? I know that Russia and some Eastern European countries are known for scams with lovely looking girls chatting up "western" men and then ask for their credit card to buy a flight and visa to visit their "dream guy" ... so yes, the problem exists.
But by restricting a site and cutting off certain areas, you also sort of punish the sincere people who live in these parts of the world. Do they need to be banned from a certain site they may consider helpful just because some other person in their country is spamming? I would not trust a Russian dating site myself but I would not be suspicious with every Russian girl I meet on a random international site... I mean, cutting off these countries means also punishing sincere people who just have the bad luck another person in their country has done some scams.
Also, most of those bans are easy to get around. Here in Turkey (where I am on holiday) the government banned YouTube because of political statements about the Turkish government. In less than 1 hour I already found a site that connects me to YouTube via proxy. IP bans usually only stop those with no knowledge how to get around those bans, while most spammers are technically gifted enough to know how to get around those bans.
PS. I would rather give my phone nr to a stranger than my email. Because per phone there is always the option of not answering a phone call when the number is unknown. Email is where private conversations are stored. And not all mail providers allow to block email adresses. So in the end I would rather have someone tracing my phone number than other details, I don't answer the phone anyway when I see a number that I don't recognise.
PS II. it is not because an IP and a location don't match that there is something dodgy. I registered at ocdtribe.com from my hotel's computer in Turkey (so using a Turkish IP) but in the location field I entered Germany because that is where I actually live at this point. Actually, my profile here says Berlin while now I am on a Turkish IP because I like to check internet now and then during a holiday as well. Am I dodgy now as well because the IP and location don't match? People may sign up to Aspie Affection while temporarily being away from home, prefering to mention the location they reside in normal circumstances...
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)