Me: young male geek. When it comes to movies, I've noticed that geeks come in three flavors: (1) elitists/snobs who think that the Matrix sequels, Star Wars prequels, Alien 3+, etc. suck; (2) fanwhores who approve of garbage like the AvP movies; and (3) people who are capable of realizing their own prejudices and will admit that the Chronicles of Riddick was crap no matter how cool it was. And speaking of Riddick, if you were watching the climax and thought to yourself "why don't you fight without using your fa***t clown powers", or if you even understand the quote, then we are most definitely on the same wavelength, and please call me.
I'm currently too drunk to elaborate further, but more will be forthcoming.
Cyrano wrote:
On dates, I'm content with lying around on the futon, watching Dr. Zhivago, dressing up to the nines and getting fancy dinner, faking proposals or beatings, seeing a film, going to an amusement park, bothering puppies
What do you have against puppies?
Cyrano wrote:
anything as long as it doesn't involve mushrooms or pregnancy tests.
What do you have against mushrooms?
Quick test: Force of Nature, Feral Thallid, Child of Gaea, Thorn Elemental, Avatar of Might, or Silvos? Your answer is not important so much as your comprehension of the question
Cyrano wrote:
I own a typewriter and his name is Raskolnikov.
How appropriate - my youngest living computer is named Sangouki. He is the successor to Nigouki, my darling daughter, may she rest in peace.
Cyrano wrote:
I guess I'm a pretty interesting human being- I'm pretty sarcastic and strange, and my sense of humor basically leeches off of bad film references and mid-thought conversations. It takes some getting used to, like vodka.
Do not speak to me of vodka; it only makes me drink more.
Cyrano wrote:
I'd like a person who can appreciate my quarks
I think you mean "quirks"...
Cyrano wrote:
can use words like "vernacular" in a sentance
I prefer "lexicon".
Also, it's spelled "sentence".
Cyrano wrote:
I'm a sucker for all things handwritten and spelled correctly.
Strange words from someone who cannot spell "sentence" correctly
Cyrano wrote:
I'm excited. z.a.m.m.d.o.g.g at y.a.h.o.o. dot c.o.m for mail, with obvious removal of the parenthesis and random periods.
I see no parenthesis...
Cyrano wrote:
I have also just realized that, due to the fact that I am cheap, I lack a subscription and any means of communicating outside of those borderline-retarded one-liners that make me feel like I ought to be paid by the hour while on a date. So email is actually a must. Please email me, or I'll never be able to respond.
It shall be done.
MissDuckbutt wrote:
Name: Kayla
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Location: Northern Virginia
Occupation: Junior in high school and epic doodler
Race: White
Built: Slightly skinner than average
Appearance: Note for photo that I took on my cell
Personality: Tomboyish, quirky, creative, hyperactive, slightly anti-social, but all around a fun person
Interest: Naruto! Comedy, psychology, anything that's made out of epic awesome, Law and Order SVU, video games, music
Things I tend to be attracted to
Age: 16 to 19
Race: I tend to be more attracted to Asian or white guys, but I'm open to anything.
Hair: Don't care
Eyes: Don't care
Built: Nothing overly muscular. I'm sorry to say, but it'll creep me out.......
Appearance: Long-ish straight hair is another preference
Personality: Anothing other than "Mean" or "Shallow", please....
Location: Northern VA
You are made out of epic awesome. I currently live on the other coast, but I'd fly to meet you.
Pic of me:
img dot photobucket dot com/albums/v415/DWJohnson/Obeysatan.jpg