Delta56 wrote:
Well, I apologize for the Necroposting, but I figure it would be better than making a whole new thread dedicated to this same problem.
Its been almost a month since I started the thread and the problem is getting... marginally worst. We're communicating more, but hating it at the same time. She feels like she isn't taking care of some one she loves, but just a needy kid (danger will robinson! Abandon ship!) and I personally feel like a let down to her because of the very same reasons. Its not like I can move back out and try to restart from a distance. All my family is out of town and none of my friends can keep their own place running/live with their own folks.
When do I call it enough? Is there a point when its only hurting both of us but we still hold on for the sake of stability?
Why have you not seen a relationship counselor yet? People always seem to assume that they can work this stuff out on their own, when the reality is, often it is just not doable. A major issue with that is people don't share their problems like they should.