NeantHumain wrote:
Actually my natural tendency, without pick-up guides, is to be quite persistent, and usually that only happens after a break in communication.
This is like movie scenes of a vendor at a middle-eastern bazaar who goes running after a tourist who barely looked at his wares, begging her to buy something.
Ephemerella might have been off-base about WHY you do what you do, but she's 100% right about the effect you're having on these poor women. Yes, dating can be competitive, and you're labeling your product 'TOXIC WASTE' by perseverating so. Most women will think your persistence is a variation on 'cocky-funny' or goshknowswhat technique. In that respect, we're not all that analytical. Ugh is ugh, and we don't spend hours looking for ways to not feel annoyed, frustrated + disgusted by someone who annoys, frustrates + disgusts us.
You keeping on demonstrates that you don't see the woman as a person, but as an object. If you saw her as an individual, about whom you cared, you'd stop inflicting all these unpleasant feelings on her.
I've done my share of perseverating in exactly this way, so I'd love to spare you the accumulation of further cringe-intensive memories for you to look back on.