ELLCIM wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
worsedale wrote:
I believe uncompromisingly that the last 20 years have transferred all power to women and girls and too many women are so shallow and conformist, that they will reject any man who they can't understand and therefore, cannot manipulate.
That's pretty lame.
Men are just as shallow. This quote is probably half the reason you can't get a GF.
Worsedale's got it
bang on.
Remember, today in North America, men are the devil.
say it like it is bro!! hear hear... and i remember reading just 2 days ago about TV series like sex & the city... where all the women talk about is penis size... women are so manipulated by the media and TV and everything else ... and they're so conformist.... if u come to dubai you'll see what i mean...!
i saw a movie last night called "(national lampoons) adam & eve"... it's gotta be the most stupid movie i've seen in my entire life.. it's the only movie i actually didn't want to see anymore after having seen half of it... so i turned it off
basically, there's this guy who likes this girl, and she's been holding out on him for about a YEAR! even she admits that she doesn't know why... so anyways this guy is understandably pissed and goes to a bar and gets piss drunk, where he gets taken advantage of by some other hot chick (whaddaya know, a typical shallow blonde)... so then this other girl finds out and she's raising hell....
and throughout ALL this, it's all HIS fault...! this is so stupid...! i vote we go back to the good old days when it was a mans world and men made all the decisions...! give me wars and senseless killing instead of all this sappy feminazi BS that's turning men into pale imitations of themselves...!
I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2