Over 21 but never had a boyfriend or girlfriend

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31 Mar 2006, 2:20 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
QuirkyCarla wrote:
It still seems to me that men are more shallow than women.

Same. I see people all the time with ugly boyfriends, but the guys seem to only want to know "HOT" girls.

Of course women are shallow to a large extent, but in no way are men NOT shallow.

hmm......I was rejected twice because I was shorter.

In a study they asked 100 women about if they accept to date a shorter men ...they all refused.

If you take a look on yahoo profiles or dating sites you notice that 95% of girls want the typical tall , dark hair , brun , muscled , 8 pack guy: an Alpha male.


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31 Mar 2006, 3:12 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
In a study they asked 100 women about if they accept to date a shorter men ...they all refused.

If you take a look on yahoo profiles or dating sites you notice that 95% of girls want the typical tall , dark hair , brun , muscled , 8 pack guy: an Alpha male.

This is unfortunately true. But not all girls on these sites are like that.


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31 Mar 2006, 4:55 pm

Nope, just the 95%. :P

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 Mar 2006, 6:50 pm

I am 36 years old and never ever had a boyfriend. I think both sexes are equally shallow.


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31 Mar 2006, 8:04 pm

Finally some recognition. I am muscula 6 pack that show when I am hot. I have skills too. I just need to get over the truama. I knew it I am wanted bad too nervous.....


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01 Apr 2006, 7:08 pm

^^ the problem then is just ur atitude.


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01 Apr 2006, 8:55 pm

The problem is post tramatic stress disorder. Its mom fault she dragged me into her depression. She married two abusive guys both tried to kill her. I diagnosised her she makes trouble to distract herself from her depression caused by bipolar disorder. She is still doing it. Her friend are obnixous smelly perverts who are crippled. The guy says she is the only one who can call him a sorry excuse for a cripple. If I could make it go away I would have actual friends and girlfriends. It has driven me crazy I maid homicidal ideations on here to my mom. I was am still having a bad time although mood is elevated extremely most of the day. Sometimes I feal as though I could punch a hole through metal. You act like its my fault but really tramatic memories are to large to be stored away. Any event that is alike the one which driveing you nut will make you nuts. I even have pschogenic seizures. I lost my job cause of that type of seizure. Are you a genie can you make them leave me alone? Can you say abracadabra?" I was on paxil it does nothing. Morphine does nothing to me except cause tiredness and tripping. I let two girls go both wanted me at the same time.


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02 Apr 2006, 3:34 am

Florescent wrote:
you know loner mutant you can learn. You may find out that you like it more. I am sure if you say no its the overstimulation and not your true answer. Don;t you realize it was communication that helped us grow as human beings. You really need to try. We learn most from our falures.

Sorry, for me, isolation rules!


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02 Apr 2006, 3:24 pm

Florescent I for one believe you, and I know exactly what you mean when you talk about trauma. That would hold anyone back, and understandably so. It's nothing to do with your attitude.

I've been subjected to quite a few traumatic experiences in recent years myself. Don't know about now, but I certainly showed symptoms of PTSD (undiagnosed) in the past.

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Emu Egg

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05 Apr 2006, 6:04 pm

I too have been single all my life an i'm 19. I 've had plenty of girls I could tell liked me but every time I shy away from asking them the question. However i'm moving to a unit for young aspergers soon and this time If I get that feeling that someone is interested heck I'm not waiting around.


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06 Apr 2006, 3:29 am

I think a big problem (from my knowledge) is that in our society its the guy who is meant to do all the asking out. Girls flutter out these subtle hints and expect you to jump all over them and put yourself on the line. Why dont girls go around asking guys out? I for one would like to see alot more of this.


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06 Apr 2006, 4:00 am

alex wrote:
However, your response is uncalled for and I expect better from both you and Laz. In fact I expect better from a lot of WrongPlanet.net members lately. We've recently been experiencing a period characterised by a lack of respect between wrongplanet members. I want us to go back to when we were a happy peaceful society with only the occasional outbreak. I value each and every one of the awesome wrongplanet.net members.

Laz deserves as much respect as any wrongplanet member and plus he has a fracking awesome avatar. 8)

well alex, u know it's the blimmin wimmins fault...! everyone knows that guys get cranky when they don't get enough sex...

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06 Apr 2006, 4:16 am

hellznrg wrote:
well alex, u know it's the blimmin wimmins fault...! everyone knows that guys get cranky when they don't get enough sex...

Well, it's easy to see what you think about 100% of the time. It is not a turn on in the slightest. Maybe you could talk about something else?


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06 Apr 2006, 4:18 am

ELLCIM wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
worsedale wrote:
I believe uncompromisingly that the last 20 years have transferred all power to women and girls and too many women are so shallow and conformist, that they will reject any man who they can't understand and therefore, cannot manipulate.

That's pretty lame.

Men are just as shallow. This quote is probably half the reason you can't get a GF.

Worsedale's got it bang on.
Remember, today in North America, men are the devil.

say it like it is bro!! hear hear... and i remember reading just 2 days ago about TV series like sex & the city... where all the women talk about is penis size... women are so manipulated by the media and TV and everything else ... and they're so conformist.... if u come to dubai you'll see what i mean...!

i saw a movie last night called "(national lampoons) adam & eve"... it's gotta be the most stupid movie i've seen in my entire life.. it's the only movie i actually didn't want to see anymore after having seen half of it... so i turned it off

basically, there's this guy who likes this girl, and she's been holding out on him for about a YEAR! even she admits that she doesn't know why... so anyways this guy is understandably pissed and goes to a bar and gets piss drunk, where he gets taken advantage of by some other hot chick (whaddaya know, a typical shallow blonde)... so then this other girl finds out and she's raising hell....

and throughout ALL this, it's all HIS fault...! this is so stupid...! i vote we go back to the good old days when it was a mans world and men made all the decisions...! give me wars and senseless killing instead of all this sappy feminazi BS that's turning men into pale imitations of themselves...!

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06 Apr 2006, 4:27 am

renaeden wrote:
hellznrg wrote:
well alex, u know it's the blimmin wimmins fault...! everyone knows that guys get cranky when they don't get enough sex...

Well, it's easy to see what you think about 100% of the time. It is not a turn on in the slightest. Maybe you could talk about something else?

i'm just saying it like it is, and i'm sure that all the guys here agree with me...

i (and most aspies, i gather) just want relationships to be "open sourced" if you will... no more hidden mumbo-jumbo voodoo body-language crap please...! "maintain eye contact 60-90% of the time, no more no less"? no thanks!

the human race is quickly evolving into a peacock society... male peacocks are selected for their tails... the ones with the biggest and "most beautiful" and most cumbersome tails are selected by the females... now what happens when a predator tries to catch the peacocks? i imagine the ones with the smaller tails have the most chance of escaping....

women are selecting men on the most stupid criteria.... i think eventually humans will evolve into beautiful stupid people with large penises and big breasts, more meat for predators to chew on.

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06 Apr 2006, 4:41 am

Lonermutant wrote:
ELLCIM wrote:
Lonermutant wrote:
I'm more interested in the kind of short sex-only relationships that only happen in porn, so I'm not interested in getting a girlfriend.

I hear your pain, my good man. I'm not into porn whatsoever as I believe it is degrading of women, but at the same time I can see that your interest in it is the result of much discouragement that is all too typical of what I live.

As you all know by now from my ranting, I've tried to get a girlfriend online, but the fact that I just want sex and know nothing of how to get it.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with how u feel, but unfortunately i don't think you'll ever find any woman like that in the real world... the odds are in your disfavour...!

maybe u can build ur body up and enter the pr0n industry.... i'm not kidding... seriously..! is it a respectable profession in norway? there's also the sex industry i suppose!

I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2