Cubbydrumm wrote:
I love sports (especially American football), I'm a conservative Republican (albeit a libertarian-leaning one), and I am a heterosexual WASP who
is obsessed with Latinas/Hispanic women. In fact, I almost exclusively date Latinas (and a few Asians and a Greek girl, even dated a French girl once) although I don't think that I ever dated a WASP American girl (not even once). In fact, that's one or the reasons why I moved to Costa Rica on May 1 of last year (I'm an American). I prefer Latinas due to their physical attributes as well as their charismatic/passionate personalities, they're more traditional and more respectful towards men, more tolerant of quirks that us Aspies tend to have, they are better dancers, more sensuous, better in bed, e.t.c. So I guess I go against a lot of the Aspie stereotypes, but live up to them in other ways (I am very analytical, inquisitve, logical, and quantitatitive and I love to quantify things as well as systemize things!
My question on this board is this: Is it just me, or are there other Aspie WASPS (or even other Aspies who are non-Wasp/non-Latino men) who share my obsession with Latin women, and either exclusively or almost exclusively pursue/date Latin women?
Yo man, me tink de Colombian women is well fit an' dat is where me only girlfriend came from, innit (Ali G impression)?