photosapian wrote:
bdhkhsfgk wrote:
photosapian wrote:
BDD-Body Dysmoprhic Disorder
What's that?
Basically, no matter what positive thing or compliment one is told-or how often-about their body/looks, one is never satisfied and imagines that they are far worse than anyone else does.
Imagine looking into a fun-house mirror-those with BDD seem to have an internal lens that resembles one when it comes to viewing themselves.
That answers why i have been thinking im an ugly frog for so long, it started when i was 12, i was always obsessed with having nice hair, but in the end i was never happy with my apearance at all, people have told me i look good, but i just thought about that many hours each day, i was depressed that i went around thinking i should cover my face or something, having that disorder sucks so much. When i had SEVERE BDD, i avioded all kinds of mirrors, even car mirrors, once i saw my look, i felt so depressive and had too look at it maybe 30 minutes before i could ACCEPT my look
Last edited by bdhkhsfgk on 04 Aug 2009, 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.