Are you comparing those who are gay/lesbian/bi with AS to both male and female heterosexuals with AS, or just males? I think there are too many groups involved, making it difficult to say anything.
Appearing female, I found I was approached very often and ended up in relationships. Although I am bisexual, I was only approached by males. I have not experienced a relationship with a female because I lacked the social skills necessary to approach them myself or sense their orientation, and encountered very few in my daily life (e.g., in my physics dept. or office, there were very few or none).
Even being approached regularly by males, I never had a relationship within which I experienced romantic love, and attribute this to the AS because I could not grasp many aspects of relationships (which I won't list here). I also do not identify as female, but slightly on the male side of gender neutral. This contributes to being romantically unfulfilled because I have only encountered one person who understands the concept of gender identity--my transgendered cousin--and find most people are uneasy or repulsed around these matters.