My first was weird. This girl had strung me along to her whims all day after school, down to her house, and we hung out, had a waterfight of all things, and she gave me a haircut, which, as it turns out, was not that good, but I liked it at the moment, mostly because I have no taste, and she seemed to think it was good. Eventually, she grabbed me and kissed me. Something after that held me aware that I didn't want to lose any more innocence to this girl, whatever I had left anyways. =/... The kiss was sort of after various sorts of groping and things occurred. I'm kind of sad the kiss didn't come first, so I could realize that sooner. Maybe it had to be both anyways.
The second, however, was amazing. I didn't want it to end, ever in my life. I will describe it as though it were my first, as it is more deserving of the title. I was going steady with this girl, in my last semester of high school, and we decided to go to the planetarium at my university (or, the one my mom works at, as it was to me at the time, although I had attended a couple summer semesters, it was still more my mom's workplace to me than my school... I now go there for the dependent-of-staff discount. xP) for a date to watch some sciencey thing and get free pizza.
Normally when I came there for sciencey presentational stuffs, it was for a presentations about some cool concept of theoretical physics, about superfluidity, or experiments demonstrating concepts of quantum loop theory, or something else I really loved. (The cool non-physics presentations I loved were usually engineering things, of the computerized or electronic nature, and as such were held in the engineering building, not the planetarium.) That time, however, it was about some Kepler satellite taking off, to look for planets of the right size and orbit to potentially hold life.... I really liked the concept at the time, and I thought I might be able to get into it, and maybe her too, but by the end of the night it was just an excuse to eat free food and hang out.
This is where the kiss comes in. You see, as we were sitting there in the dark, watching this presentation drone on and on about what sort of planets could sustain life, the novelty began to wear off. We started looking to one another more, and started snuggling, in spite of the uncomfortable separation between the seats. This, of course, was not a first by far. After a while longer though, I took the hand of her arm she had wrapped around me, and put her finger in my mouth. I dunno why, it was just the first thing to pop into my head, and I kinda enjoyed it. After a while of me messing around with her hands, she just grabbed me and kissed me passionately. It felt like I would just melt. Even thinking back on the moment now is much more sweet than bitter, as bittersweet reminiscence goes.....
When there was a break in the middle, we went upstairs and made out a little. When the break ended, we were both slow to return. We could both tell the other wanted to stay, but we were both conflicted as well. There were cameras there, and even though I knew no security would give enough of a damn for it to have any effect on me, I couldn't proceed, and I was kind of curious to see if maybe the uber-exciting live takeoff of the satellite would be more interesting. She just seemed tired....
Sadly though, albeit not surprisingly, we ended up just as bored as before, if not more so. She almost fell asleep. She broke up with me before our next date, due to being too busy, as she put it. I couldn't blame her. She looked like she was going to pass out from exhaustion most of the time before we really got to know each other, and then ALL the time after we started dating. It made me sad. I was just glad to see her lively again every now and then.... Albeit, talking about memories like this does seem to make me cry still.... Oh well, I'm just a cry baby anyways.
Semi-colons are awesome; you are awesome if you use them.
I enjoy random PMs. ^.^