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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 May 2010, 8:15 pm

Ok, i'll try and keep this as short as possible.

Some guy i knew at work invited me to his leaving party. He was in the year above me, i didn't really know him, but other people at work were going and i didn't really have anything else to do what with not having a very busy social life. So everyone was meeting at this bar and we all had drinks and talked a bit and played a bit of pool and most people went their separate ways. This was my first real experience drinking too. This guy who was leaving (for Uni) had an after-party planned... and invited me again, for some reason. I was really drunk... had nothing else to do... so accepted. To illustrate how drunk i was, i took a s**t in some scant foliage in the middle of a carpark and wiped my ass with god knows what - i'm not proud of that. So we ended up at this house party where it was basically 3 girls and 4 guys... so obviously i felt like the odd one out. They had drink there, so i drank more and somehow ended up outside, throwing up against the front of their house. Then i realized i was locked out... so i climbed over the back fence and thought i'd get away with it, only to find people looking at me. The 'leaving' guy was like "Just the man!" and waved me over... so i walked over and saw there were the 3 girls and just him. The 'lead' girl was like, "Ok, we're going to play a game... and she explained the rules to me and everyone joked about how wasted i was and i had to repeat the rules to illustrate i understood sufficiently. I can't remember now, but it was something to do with closing our eyes and choosing a girl and kissing them after the 'lead' girl counted to 5. So anyways, i chose the hottest of the 2 other girls (who were best friends) and had an amazing experience with my first kiss. Obviously i was really drunk, but it was really amazing... like nothing existed but our lips and mouths and the sensations! So when it finally ended we opened our eyes and the two girls looked shocked or something, and the 'leaving' guy was like "Good work man!" in a celebratory way... and the two girls went off and talked to each other, and later i saw the girl i kissed crying on her own, but i was too drunk and obiously socially awkward to do or say anything to her... i didn't even know her. Then i basically spent the rest of the night being given alcohol by the house owner and wandering around his house alone, and kept going into this bedroom upstairs where the girl was crying and talking to the 4th guy and i kept apologizing and leaving but then finding myself back there... man i was wasted. So eventually i sobered up a bit and left.

So, yeah... it was amazing. But really, it sucked so bad! I'm not proud of it whatsoever and i reckon i was used to 'dump' or get rid of some girl so this other guy i hardly knew could go to Uni without her following him or something.

I saw her several years later, when i was visiting my town, in that same pub, and she had put on so much weight from her waist down she looked deformed... it was weird. I knew she used to work on the checkouts and stuff. But now i've moved back to the town i've not seen her since, or her friend. I really think they've killed themselves or something... but i hope they moved on and went to Uni or something.

Jesus... depressing!


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30 May 2010, 8:53 pm

Still waiting for mine, and not sure if id be able to handle it (my touch sensory has a tendency to be a bit odd).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Jun 2010, 10:48 pm

My 1st (I think..... I can't remember if I had my 1st in 8th grade, though, if I did, we never went out) kiss was total make out ha ha. She also let me squeeze her boobs during it. It was pretty nice really. I was 15 and in my Sophomore year. She was a Freshmen.



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08 Jun 2010, 11:26 pm

It was okay I guess. It just came up in conversation naturally. That's just how its always worked for me. The romantic stuff tends to find me more often than when I go looking for it.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Jun 2010, 2:01 pm

when i was 15.
looking back it was a dreadful kiss; far, far too much tongue.


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09 Jun 2010, 6:10 pm

My first kiss was very clumsy (and I was told so at the time) -- my soon-to-be GF was more experienced, and funny enough, had groped me (where it counts) before we had even kissed. Things were sort of inverted in that relationship, and looking back, I'm not sure if it was really me or her.

Everyone else I ever kissed this went much better. Maybe I learned, or maybe you just have to kiss the right people.

One of my best kisses, years ago in college -- kissing a girl who was "forbidden fruit" prior to that moment, but suddenly I was free, she was available, and we had some privacy. We had a couple of weeks of flirting building up to that kiss.

Another great kiss, same girl -- we broke up for a while (because I went back to my other GF) but still so in love/lust for each other. I kept asking her for a kiss for like a week, and she kept turning me down because it was "wrong." After I stopped asking (big lesson for guys here), she was the one who passed me a note in class asking for a kiss. Literally after that class got out, I pushed her against the wall right outside the doorway and gave her a deep kiss in front of the stunned class and professor (who were exiting) who at that point probably had no idea we were even going out.

It was kind of a funny additional factor that they were almost all Asian, she was Asian, and I was one of the few white guys in the class. Since she was born here, it shouldn't have been an issue for her, but I'm sure for the Japanese-born folks in the class, and the prof., it was probably weird.


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09 Jun 2010, 6:18 pm

It's associated with many horrific abuse and near-rape memories.


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09 Jun 2010, 9:13 pm

My first kiss was in 8th grade though i dont really remember it well. It was quick and I didnt really feel much. My first real kiss was in highschool. That one was magical though awkward cause her parents saw us.


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10 Jun 2010, 10:19 am

No, I refuse to make this short.

My first kiss was last year in late May. I had just started summer classes where I go now to college and at the point I had struck up a very friendly rapport with this girl who was starting that fall as a freshman (I was going into my sophomore year and was transferring). We had been chatting for hours on end on just about anything. Well anyways, I had the nerve to drive down to see her one weekend, as I was invited to a family barbecue. (she lives within the Syracuse area, and if it weren't for the fact that we spent most of the day at the Carousel Center, I would have neglected to mention where she's from, and I hail from Northern NY). I asked to hold her hand when we were in the mall, and I can recall it being one of the most magical days of my life. We looked at all of these stores, had lunch at Taco Bell, and headed home. We did a fair bit of flirting at her house and well, we were sitting on her bed, and I went to give her a peck on the cheek, and she somehow turned it into a kiss on the lips, and then a makeout session, and I'll leave it at that, except for the fact she smelt like beautiful perfume and iced coffee. In the matter of a day, I had my first kiss, first makeout session, first French kiss, first kiss in the rain (if I recall), first kiss in a car...yeah, I jumped ahead in some ways that day. Later we went to the barbecue, where her relatives were overjoyed to see me, while I was in slight panic mode. I had kielbasa and Coke, and that along with my nerves and Taco Bell, and that night my stomach was in agony. But she was by my side, making sure my stomach wasn't going to turn.

Then of course, a couple weeks later, she pulls "I'm not ready for a boyfriend" thing out of her rear, and it all went downhill from there.


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10 Jun 2010, 11:15 am

I was 23. It was some revolting fat chick at a party. I was so wasted and kissed her right on the lips, probably got some tongue action going, too. I talked to her for all of 10 minutes. I've made out with 6 more girls in the last 6 months (I'm still 23) and had sex with 5 of them.

Last edited by roadGames on 10 Jun 2010, 11:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

Snowy Owl
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10 Jun 2010, 11:17 am

People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).


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10 Jun 2010, 11:22 am

Abraham wrote:
People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).

I totally agree 100%! I've have felt that way for years now!


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10 Jun 2010, 11:23 am

Abraham wrote:
People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).

Yeah, this is definitely true. Although my current girl thinks I'm great at sex, I'm thinking it's really because she's 19 and I'm well endowed. I think I'm somewhere around where most 19 year olds are in terms of sexual experience.


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10 Jun 2010, 11:30 am

roadGames wrote:
Abraham wrote:
People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).

Yeah, this is definitely true. Although my current girl thinks I'm great at sex, I'm thinking it's really because she's 19 and I'm well endowed. I think I'm somewhere around where most 19 year olds are in terms of sexual experience.

I can see 19. 19 isn't bad. But 12, 13 and 14 year olds shouldn't be sleeping around. I agree with Chef from South Park, when he says "17 — you're ready".


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11 Jun 2010, 12:29 am

Northeastern292 wrote:
roadGames wrote:
Abraham wrote:
People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).

Yeah, this is definitely true. Although my current girl thinks I'm great at sex, I'm thinking it's really because she's 19 and I'm well endowed. I think I'm somewhere around where most 19 year olds are in terms of sexual experience.

I can see 19. 19 isn't bad. But 12, 13 and 14 year olds shouldn't be sleeping around. I agree with Chef from South Park, when he says "17 — you're ready".

I think there's waaay to much emphases & pressure on things like that. Lots of girls are sleeping around by the time their 13 simply because their friends are & it makes em popular. I think people should be able to experience things like sex, kissing, romance ect naturally instead of having all that pressure on em from society. So what if never had a girlfriend till I was 20 & I wasn't interested in relationships before that 8) I don't feel I've missed out on anything except a lot of drama. High-school romances generally don't last & cause lots of heartache. The reason "late starters" suffer from developmental inhibition is because of society's pressure & attitude. The problem is society


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11 Jun 2010, 9:09 am

nick007 wrote:
Northeastern292 wrote:
roadGames wrote:
Abraham wrote:
People should have sex/first kiss young because 'late starters' suffer from developmental inhibition (cause/effect direction unclear).

Yeah, this is definitely true. Although my current girl thinks I'm great at sex, I'm thinking it's really because she's 19 and I'm well endowed. I think I'm somewhere around where most 19 year olds are in terms of sexual experience.

I can see 19. 19 isn't bad. But 12, 13 and 14 year olds shouldn't be sleeping around. I agree with Chef from South Park, when he says "17 — you're ready".

I think there's waaay to much emphases & pressure on things like that. Lots of girls are sleeping around by the time their 13 simply because their friends are & it makes em popular. I think people should be able to experience things like sex, kissing, romance ect naturally instead of having all that pressure on em from society. So what if never had a girlfriend till I was 20 & I wasn't interested in relationships before that 8) I don't feel I've missed out on anything except a lot of drama. High-school romances generally don't last & cause lots of heartache. The reason "late starters" suffer from developmental inhibition is because of society's pressure & attitude. The problem is society

I agree on that as well. Society has become one big thorn in the pressures of high schoolers. It's sad as well.