JayShaw wrote:
I tend to be the same way with women I feel strongly about, and I would be surprised if this didn't have something to do with Asperger's Syndrome. I have managed to avoid such obsessions recently, however, as I have become increasingly cautious in allowing myself to have feelings for women.
One of the things that I find the most attractive in a woman is knowing that she has strong feelings for me or admires some aspect of my personality. Since I have recently dealt with a string of women who thought I was "perfect" until meeting me in person, I tend not to take a potential relationship too seriously until I have a very clear indication from the woman that her feelings are genuine.
It seriously distresses me to find how much emphasis most women place on something as superficial as social poise, but I suppose it is merely the instinctual counterpart to most men's fixation on physical attraction. In any event, it all serves to reinforce the notion that my perpetual feeling of alienation is justified.
jayshaw: this reminds me so much, stylistically, of something my "possibility" would say. not a frequent occurence in my life, having a possibility, but i am finding him to be very asperger-esque. your speech, and general thoughts on this subject are so similar, they could have come from his own mouth. i do believe he is leaning towards the spectrum and undiagnosed. extreme INTJ. not sure what your myers-briggs type is, but it is really just uncanny (yet not uncanny at all, in many ways.)