Ever had a situation where a chance to meet and possibly date someone was in your face and you totally blew it?
This happened to me yet again, on Thursday night. I went to a showing of 'Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage' at a local theater with a female friend and her son. We found a row of four seats on one side of the theater, so my friend and I went to get drinks while her son held our seats for us. When we got back there was an attractive young lady that had taken the fourth seat, seeing as she came by herself. My first thought was 'Wow a female Rush fan!'. We exchanged some pleasantries and started a conversation about music and stuff, then the movie started.
During the film, I noticed this lady was a FAN, and not just someone who knew the big hits (Tom Saywyer, Spirit of Radio, etc.). Anyone who is a Rush fan will know that the fanbase is largely male.
Afterwards, my friend offered to get me her phone #, and I declined. I was afraid of rejection, but not then and there. I was afraid of getting her number, then screwing it up later. I feel like I have nothing to offer to a woman. Can anyone relate to this?