Estranged wife may have Aspergers but denys it.
Thank you for all your replies.
A couple of years ago L suggested that I should get tested as she had heared it could be hereditary. I did, and dont have aspergers. I asked her to do the same, but to date this has not happened.
I was like many men in love with their gf/wife and bought her gifts, flowers, cards, etc on a regular basis, because I loved her and would think about her a lot. I would send wee texts or emails just to tell her I loved her. The only time she would contact me when I was at work was, for example, to leave (and I am not exaggerating) 10 missed calls and 10 texts whilst I was in a meeting, because she couldnt find a specific dvd she was looking for.
You are correct that there are always 2 sides to every story, and you only have my word that what I have said is true, but I dont see the point in lying if I am genuinely looking for advise and help.
My life doesnt revolve around what she does but when my children start to tell me what is going on then that is a different matter. My 9 year old daughter sat quietly in the back of the car a couple of weeks ago and when I asked her why she was so quiet she burst into tears and said that mummy doesnt want to spend time with them. My 11 year old son who has AS, then said "please dont like mummy anymore."
She is a good mother, but just not a very good friend or wife. L has one friend, but even this woman has commented that she has to watch what she says around L.
Listen to what she has to say. And do it with an open mind. You seem to have made up mind that she's definitely "ill" and needs help. It wouldn't hurt to consider the possibility that you might need just as much help--although not necessarily on the same issue(s).
Sometimes we are quick to judge.
It seems like you are trying to understand her and are even concerned. She does have issues and does need help. I hope she gets it.

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She is a good mother, but just not a very good friend or wife. L has one friend, but even this woman has commented that she has to watch what she says around L.
OP look, you can't
Have it both ways: you can't describe how this woman neglects your childen and then say, "She is a good mother." Maybe she WAS a good mother, but when you start neglecting your children to go f#ck some random in a parking garage, you pretty much forfeit your "good mother" card. Get your head in the game, dude - start doing what needs to be done to protect your kids.
What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...
I will try to keep this as brief as I can.
L and I knew each other since we were kids, and even though we couldnt stand to be around each other somehow in our late teens we ended up going out. At the time I didnt notice that I was the one paying for everything when we would go bowling or for dinner, etc, but figured thats what the guy did. A lot of my friends werent too keen on her because (again I didnt notice) they felt that she would make a lot of mean comments about me if anyone said anything nice about me.
Anyway, we got married a few years later and seemed happy enough, although at times it seemed a struggle for her to get out of bed and her moods could be up and down quite quickly. After a couple of years of marriage L had 2 miscarriages. All the attention and affection was put on her (as it should be) but she never asked how I was, which I thought strange. Eventually we had a beautiful baby boy (who has since been diagnosed with AS), and our world changed............
I couldnt do anything for him. I wasnt allowed to change him, feed him, take him out in his pram.................her world was him, and only him. I felt shut out but thought this was a faze that mothers go through for a couple of months. It continued on until out baby girl was born 2 years later. When this happened she said that her life was now complete and that she had everything she ever wanted. A boy and a girl, and a lovely house. No mention of me.
About this time things got worse. L never bought me an anniversary or birthday card, and would never come home with so much as a bar of chocolate for me if she was out. But one day she walked into the living room and said "I dont love you." and walked into the kitchen. But to this day, doesnt remember saying it. A year later I was attacked by a junkie in work and had my face cut. As L had the car I had to call her to come and take me to the hospital. Her reaction to hearing what happened still haunts me........"typical, I've only just sat down to a cup of tea.". Oh and she had her cup of tea before she came and took me for treatment.

She would say hurtful things and not understand why people took offence. Mostly her hurtful comments were reserved for me. No matter what I did, there would always be a criticism. L still does it to this day. And has always struggled with "please, thank you, and I love you." Its as if its not in her vocabulary.
We moved house but things didnt change. It still felt like I was living a family that wasnt mine as L protected her brood from everyone including me.
Eventually I did a stupid thing and met another woman, and left L. It was wrong and I offer up no excuses.
L decided to terrorise my gf for a couple of weeks and that I was NEVER going to see our children again. After many lawyer hours and court appearances and neither myself or my family being allowed by her to see the kids for over 15 months, the court ordered her to let me see them. She had warned her own parents not to get involved or they wouldnt see the kids either.
6 years on and I am now single (gf had enough of me bouncing between being with her and trying to see the kids and keeping L placated) and L and I are going to counselling to help us be better parents although we are separated.
The problem now is the internet. L is obsessed with a dating site and in the past few months has slept with about a dozen guys (usually first or second date) and sometimes meeting them in car parks and only knows their first names (yes, its her life but it is consuming it). When she gets up in the morning she is on it, in the afternoon after work, basically most of the day, 7 days a week. And the children are suffering because of it.
She has spent hardly any quality time with the kids in the past few months and seems more intent on farming them out to people so she can have "fun". Or as she puts it herself "I didnt get to do this when I was 16 so this is me knowing just catching up on every other teenage girl around boys."
The main problem is that despite 15 counselling sessions (in which she talked about me for only 10 mins) she cannot actually admit to herself that she is lying to everyone, or only telling them the parts of the story she wants them to hear. (eg. L told her counsellor that I called her a stupid idiot one day, but didnt mention that when I had come home from work that day she had ripped out a whole fireplace in the livingroom and it was lying in the middle of the floor, with half the wall beside it!! !!)
As I say we are now going to parenting counselling but I know just by looking at her that she isnt going to change the way she is. She knows she has issues and problems but doesnt want to deal with them. Although she will say she is working on them, but wont tell anyone how exactly.
What she does with her personal life is her business, but she doesnt see how it effects others (eg. last friday the kids and I saw the window cleaner sneaking out of the back door when I was dropping them off at a time she knew I would be doing so.)
Her sister is now too scared to get involved as L has told her she wont let our kids play with her kids is she does. Her whole family avoid what is going on just so as not to upset her.
I want us all to get along and for L and I to be the best parents we can be, but its difficult when she wont let me be that unless its on her terms.
I've tried trying to drum home to her what is going on around her, and the kids are unhappy, but she just clams up and shutsdown.
I feel as if I am the only one that wants to try and help her, because everyone else is too scared to "rock the boat".
Any advise on how to deal with and cope with someone that is self destructing in her own world and doesnt care about the consequences to other people?
Many other things have happened, such as her brother's suicide last year (her parents told her he had a heart attack), but I think I've written enough to bore you all.
If you got this far then thank you.

Any advise would be great.
I do truly sympathize with you. I don't think your wife has AS or if she does it is in combination with a border line personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder. This ex-wife of yours sounds a lot like my ex-boyfriend's ex-wife. My ex-boyfriend's ex-wife basically broke us up. She would call me, email me, text me, etc. It was horrible and I finally had to get a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against her because nothing else I did worked and the police recommended the TRO. Also, unfortunately, my ex-boyfriend wasn't strong enough to go against her because she started using their two children against him. She threatened to move them as far away from him as the courts would allow. She would throw things and swear, etc. right in front of the two young children (5 and 7 years old). The kids both swear and threaten things like; "I am going to kill you." It was all so very sad and the young children are the ones that suffer the most. They can't escape. I really cared for my ex-boyfriend immensely and was always supporting him. I wouldn't talk to his ex-wife or answer her text or email messages and I think this made her even madder. Anyway, my ex-boyfriend has AS and perhaps by having AS it made him unable to deal with conflict. He just wanted to try and limit the animosity between his ex and himself and be the best father he could to his two young boys. He went to all kinds of counseling sessions with her trying to learn how to co-parent well. It never, ever worked out. It will be hell for him for years to come. I feel for him and I miss him greatly. I wish you the best in your situation too.
A couple of years ago L suggested that I should get tested as she had heared it could be hereditary. I did, and dont have aspergers. I asked her to do the same, but to date this has not happened.
I was like many men in love with their gf/wife and bought her gifts, flowers, cards, etc on a regular basis, because I loved her and would think about her a lot. I would send wee texts or emails just to tell her I loved her. The only time she would contact me when I was at work was, for example, to leave (and I am not exaggerating) 10 missed calls and 10 texts whilst I was in a meeting, because she couldnt find a specific dvd she was looking for.
You are correct that there are always 2 sides to every story, and you only have my word that what I have said is true, but I dont see the point in lying if I am genuinely looking for advise and help.
My life doesnt revolve around what she does but when my children start to tell me what is going on then that is a different matter. My 9 year old daughter sat quietly in the back of the car a couple of weeks ago and when I asked her why she was so quiet she burst into tears and said that mummy doesnt want to spend time with them. My 11 year old son who has AS, then said "please dont like mummy anymore."
She is a good mother, but just not a very good friend or wife. L has one friend, but even this woman has commented that she has to watch what she says around L.
How can she be a good mother if she hasn't been spending time with her kids and has been neglecting them? Maybe she was a good one but now she isn't anymore.
So you have AS traits or what?
you need no excuse for leaving this woman. (sounds like - although you leave the details on your own behavior sparse)
however, please do not conflate Asperger's with "*sshole" even if that does turn out to be what's going on - this terrible behavior is not the sort of thing that defines AS.
doesn't sound like AS to me though, or if it is, in combination with some other factor
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.
It seems I have been mistaking selfishness and thoughtlessness for AS traits.
L's sister called me today to say that I should just focus on the kids and leave L to do whatever she wants to do with her life and that hopefully she will work out her problems without interference from anyone else. I agreed but only if it doesnt effect the children negatively.
We have our second parenting apart counselling session tomorrow, which hopefully will go better than the last one. The counsellor asked us what being in a relationship meant, after L's reply the counsellor commented that all L focused on was what she got out of it but not what she gave in return.
I have been putting down her behaviour to the possibility of having AS but after reading what people have to say then maybe its the way she is and not because of AS. Our son, who has AS, is the gentlest and sweetest boy you could hope to meet. Very kind and caring. I wouldnt change him for the world.
Your comments have helped me very much.
The counsellor asked us what being in a relationship meant, after L's reply the counsellor commented that all L focused on was what she got out of it but not what she gave in return.
If I were you, I would really look into Borderline Personality Disorder. I really don't think she has AS. I am a female NT and most women do not act the way she has been acting....just my two cents.
Well not much was resolved at the counselling session as we pretty much went around in circles as usual.
The new man in her life has been around for about a month and she likes him because "he puts me in my place if I step out of line". ( a quote from L)
She doesnt see it as a relationship but that she just likes being around him. Although does admit that almost everytime she has seen him they have ended up in bed, and they dont really go out socially, more of a case of coming to her house or going to his.
Good luck to them both. They are going to need it.
Hi GrantP1970,
I'll refrain from passing any judgment on whether your estranged wife has AS. My philosophy on that is that one shouldn't diagnose or debunk AS in an individual based on something read on the Internet, that it's considerably more accurate when one meets the individual face to face. At any rate, her AS/NT status won't change what I'll offer here anyway.
It's obvious that you're hoping that her situation will change, that maybe one day she'll wake up and realize all the suffering she's causing you and the kids, but you need to be very careful. Your kids have already told you how they feel: they don't like her. They know something's wrong. If things don't change, and you forcibly keep her in their lives, then there is a very serious chance that they will grow up to resent you in addition to her. You have the power not to expose them to her problems and issues, and you'll look like you are doing nothing to protect them. Your kids may also grow up to have problems and issues of their own, exacerbated by all the time spent with Mom around. I do understand your position, it's the hope of the ideal situation of the "Leave It to Beaver" happy family with Mom and Dad and kids that drives you to do what you're doing... but the reality is that sometimes you're in a lose-lose situation, and it's better to cut your losses now before it's too late.
As for your estranged wife, it sounds like there's something fundamental missing in her life. I don't know exactly what it is, but I doubt she would know what it is either. Anyway, she's still in serious denial that there are any issues, and a lot of times things have to get worse before they get better. As long as you are around all the time, she's going to keep taking you and the kids for granted, and she's going to keep acting selfishly and irresponsibly since she can get away with it. Although you cannot force her to confront her issues, you can focus on what you can do for yourself. If you still love your estranged wife, do you love her enough to leave her? For your kids' sake, your own sake as well as hers? In situations like this, this is often what things will come down to, there's no easy way out.
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
This sounds like something I would read on AS Partners. That horrible place about AS written by people who have abusive partners or selfish lazy ones but believe they have AS. But some of them do genuinely have it and it's their none AS partners who are inconsiderate and needy so no matter what their aspie does for them is never good enough.
I think you should try and get custody over the kids.
a lot of aspies are selfish and uncaring
the tea comment reminded me of Shinku from Rozen Maiden, so I laughed
(just the way it was written, not what happened)
well I would advice trying to get full custody
I'm by no means a saint and have my faults, but the list of things that are "odd" is staggering at times. It's as if she gets something into her head and has to follow it through no matter what.
A friend once said about L, "if she was driving a car down a narrow street full of parked cars and you said she couldnt go any further, she would keep going even if it meant hitting every parked car on the way, just to prove you wrong."
I don't blame you for cheating on that worthless b***h. Shows you how f****d the family court system is when a monster like her has custody...