Definitely Girl number 2. Girl number 1 reeks of insecurity, if her excessive taste in Jersey Shore and need for makeup and devotion to Christianity is any indication. I have a hard time hanging around somebody that is that insecure, especially girls, and ESPECIALLY girls that are fat, because then they accuse me of "abandoning them" because they are fat, when the real reason is that I'm annoyed by her constant whining and complaining about how things aren't going her way. Maybe I'm a cynic, but that has happened to me enough times that I am cynical of insecure fat girls, interpreting my interest in them as boyfriend-esque. Just because I talk to a girl doesn't mean I want to date her! Apparently because she is fat, any guy that shows interest in her MUST be true love, because who is going to be superficial with a fat girl? Or at least that's the impression that I get from people like that. I don't like what I'm saying, but it's just a personal observation of what I've experienced. Being friends with a girl is hard enough as it is. "How dare you not call me for a month!" Aren't we "just friends" though?
Girl 2 seems pretty cool. She is very attractive, yet she prefers to wear jeans and a T-Shirt instead of the more traditional makeup and high heels. Girl 2 is athletic, enjoys the outdoors, drinks alcohol and smokes weed occasionally. This tells me that she isn't as sensitive as Girl 1, because sensitive people are offended by smoking and drinking. Most of her friends are guys, which doesn't surprise me, since she seems like a tomboy. Other girls think she is promiscuous (read: they are jealous of her) but at least she recognizes on some level or another that humans are not monogamous creatures.
So if it was up to me, I would choose Girl number 2. Of course, this is just a text-based personality I'm judging on, but even so, I've met Girl number 2's archetype before, and two of my best girl friends have been this type. I dated one, and I'm best friends with the other. Now, neither of them smoke weed, but other than that, the two of them together represent everything listed for Girl 2. Girl number 2 is busy and full of energy, and Girl number 1 is more of a housewife that likes to pamper and be pampered. Girl number 1's archetype has once accused me of being "weightist" (is that a new word?) and I told her the only thing big about her was her mouth. She told me I was a dick. I told her that my dick is bigger than her mouth. She told me she would NEVER suck my dick. I told her that it's a low calorie meal. She got mad and stormed off. (Hey, she brought up the weight, not me) Epic fat girl rage! It always annoys the hell out of me.