've also tried OKCupid, looked much more promising but one definite problem - no one responds, I can understand perhaps two or three rejected conversations per each accepted but this so far for me is fourteen and zero, its phenomenal. An NT acquaintence of mine mentioned last time the internet dating topic came up that the women who are available online are still single not because they haven't found the one but because their expectations are so far out of the ballpark, so its really all off limits anyway. Seems like that may not be far from the truth.
Most guys there are using online dating as last resort since they're unable to find dates in real life.
There's definitely major reasons why a guy wouldn't have dates in real life , he would certainly have very undesired traits.
Most girls there are using online dating as last resort because they have very high standards to the extent that they're finding no one with such qualities in real life.
Let alone the unbalanced gender ratio.
Can you see the friction here? That's why online dating is horrible.