Finding Love Is As Hard As Earning

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Finding Love is as hard as earning?
8k yearly 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
16k yearly 8%  8%  [ 1 ]
25k Yearly UK means average 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
35 Yearly 15%  15%  [ 2 ]
42 Yearly 23%  23%  [ 3 ]
70k Yearly 54%  54%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 13


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23 Mar 2011, 2:16 pm

I want to do a make poll that compares how difficult it is to find love to how difficult it is to get x paid job. Some people almost take love for granted and assume that if one doesn't find love easily it is down to an unhealthy attitude. If I make a parallel between finding love and working, I would have quite literally lived my life as unemployed person, who has almost certainly have a feckless and unhealthy attitude to work.


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23 Mar 2011, 3:38 pm

Over 70k a year. I have never had a gf, and I'm 28. I don't know how other people do it, and take it in their stride. It's so hard for me.


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23 Mar 2011, 5:01 pm

I'm not sure how to answer this, because 50k is pretty clear and pretty consistent, and love varies in definition depending on who you ask. On the other hand, with jobs, you get what you get. We have an illusion of choice when it comes to employment, but we work wherever the job opening is. The vast majority of people, if you sit them down and ask them, will tell you they wanted another job, and they never thought they would end up in the job they are at. With love, we get a choice...somewhat. It's hard to fight your feelings. I suppose it's also an illusion of choice, because if you know what women and men are naturally attracted to, you can get anyone to fall in love with you.


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23 Mar 2011, 11:38 pm

i like the analogy, though i lack the scientific veritas to say it is 100% accurate, in a statistical way. but i never netted more than 30k, and i never had a mate or even came close to having a mate. when i was homeless on several occasions, the denizens i met on the street seemed to me to be a solitary lot, and there for the long haul, with no practical hope of ascension to any higher socio/economic class in their lifetime. i wonder if there is a longitudinal study out there somewhere, which tracks socio/economic status and class mobility, versus mate status [single/married/bg/gf/gay-gay/incel/hermit].

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24 Mar 2011, 12:04 am

For me, it's far easier to make $1 mil than to find love.

Making money is a straightforward task. You do A, you get B... Observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else; money will follow... it always does.

On the other hand, if I had to start looking for love, it would be such a daunting task, I wouldn't have any idea where to even begin...


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24 Mar 2011, 12:55 am

Imagine teenagers in large numbers coming out of high school and by their 20th birthday earning more then you then you have earned in a lifetime. And them to say it isn't the knowledge, it isn't the experience, it isn't the willingness to succeed or what you can learn from books but it is all attitude .



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24 Mar 2011, 1:06 am

YY wrote:
For me, it's far easier to make $1 mil than to find love. Making money is a straightforward task. You do A, you get B... Observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else; money will follow... it always does. On the other hand, if I had to start looking for love, it would be such a daunting task, I wouldn't have any idea where to even begin...

welcome to WP 8)
by your action schematic described above, it is straightforward why i am broke then. :( anyways, if one can easily make money by doing what you described above, how can that not also be applied to the search for a mate? the same things would seem to apply- "observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else [finding one's own "angle"]- isn't all this what people who are successful with mating do? a mate is just another commodity [albeit a major one, right up there with the biggies like house, job, family et al] that can be [figuratively] arbitraged like other mercenary things. i guess i have an easier time comprehending how an economic underachiever like myself would also be unlucky in love, than i would somebody who finds making money to be actually an easy thing also being unlucky in love, when the two things [$$$$ and love] are both negotiable social goods, for those gifted individuals who can keenly observe, learn, look for opportunities and angle themselves advantageously. if billionaire gates could get a mate, any other talented money person would seem to be in the running as well, as moneymaking is a social skill above all else. just my 2-cents' worth, not adjusted for inflation. :)


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24 Mar 2011, 2:04 am

Social skills don't have to be a big factor in earning money. With so many different types of jobs out their.
Even if one is not good at interviews there is always self employment.

IF you type "Genius is " into google. It will complete the rest with "1 inspiration and 99 perspiration"

Now is that true of love. When that 99 perspiration come into love" It may only apply if one is already in a relationship.


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24 Mar 2011, 2:29 am

auntblabby wrote:
YY wrote:
For me, it's far easier to make $1 mil than to find love. Making money is a straightforward task. You do A, you get B... Observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else; money will follow... it always does. On the other hand, if I had to start looking for love, it would be such a daunting task, I wouldn't have any idea where to even begin...

welcome to WP 8)
by your action schematic described above, it is straightforward why i am broke then.:)

For me socialism had done a lot of damage. This and romantic views of what life and love is about. This views only benefit those who find love easy

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24 Mar 2011, 6:20 pm

welcome to WP 8)
by your action schematic described above, it is straightforward why i am broke then. :( anyways, if one can easily make money by doing what you described above, how can that not also be applied to the search for a mate? the same things would seem to apply- "observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else [finding one's own "angle"]- isn't all this what people who are successful with mating do? a mate is just another commodity [albeit a major one, right up there with the biggies like house, job, family et al] that can be [figuratively] arbitraged like other mercenary things. i guess i have an easier time comprehending how an economic underachiever like myself would also be unlucky in love, than i would somebody who finds making money to be actually an easy thing also being unlucky in love, when the two things [$$$$ and love] are both negotiable social goods, for those gifted individuals who can keenly observe, learn, look for opportunities and angle themselves advantageously. if billionaire gates could get a mate, any other talented money person would seem to be in the running as well, as moneymaking is a social skill above all else. just my 2-cents' worth, not adjusted for inflation. :)

I posted a bit 1-2 years ago, but I forgot both my old screen name and which email address I used, so I registered again.

I believe there are two distinctly different ways of making money. The first way requires a huge amount of interpersonal interaction which usually comes with politics, deception and other similar "social skills" (these things are usually called "leadership" and "salesmanship"). There are vast similarities between this skill set and what's required to find a mate. I certainly agree with you that these people are well equipped to succeed in both.

Unfortunately, I am a different type. I built a successful business in a highly technical field mostly relying on my AS abilities and passions as an edge. I've never done sales, contract negotiations or dealt with suppliers/human resources. This is something that is handled by my NT business partner. I guess, my advice to observe, learn and look for opportunities only works for me in something like an industrial setting. I find anything not people-related to be logical, predictable and usually straightforward, including money. The moment you introduce a human factor, I feel like I have a problem that has no solution.

I think the big difference between making money and building a relaionship is the ability to identify, learn from and not repeat mistakes. I've failed countless times in both business and relationships. However, for every business transaction gone wrong there are clear and specific reasons that you can figure out and do something about the next time. On the other hand, at least for me, there is never an obvious reason for a bad date, lost friend or a neighbor who stopped saying hello. You never know what went wrong and they won't tell you even if you ask.


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24 Mar 2011, 8:29 pm

Aspie_Chav wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
YY wrote:
For me, it's far easier to make $1 mil than to find love. Making money is a straightforward task. You do A, you get B... Observe, learn, look for opportunities, think differently from everybody else; money will follow... it always does. On the other hand, if I had to start looking for love, it would be such a daunting task, I wouldn't have any idea where to even begin...

welcome to WP 8)
by your action schematic described above, it is straightforward why i am broke then.:)

For me socialism had done a lot of damage. This and romantic views of what life and love is about. This views only benefit those who find love easy

I don't follow. How does socialism fit into this?


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24 Mar 2011, 8:36 pm

1 Million dollars! *puts little finger to mouth*

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25 Mar 2011, 3:17 am

I don't find love but I just happen to be the one receiving it and I don't really search for love so I guess for me, it seems easy.... Back then, it would have felt like trying to earn a million a year. Bizarre I guess?

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