SpaceCase wrote:
Well,since I now have 6 people who like me(yeah it was 5 in my post but it went up to 6 now) I know only these clues:
1.If they do stuff just to get your attention(depends on what they're doing)
Actually, when my boyfriend and i met eachother for the first time in class (5 people), we used to tick on the table with our pens very loudly at unexpected times, so that everyone looked up and we laughed at eachother. The fun was that everybody could see us :D
2.Stare at ya when (they think) you're not looking.
Yeah, and then a grin when the other looked up :)
3.Flirt with you.
Never had anyone flirting with me, except for a girl once that didn't know we were gay. My boyfriend and i talked about some new programming projects we thought of in a lunchroom, and a girl was apperently impressed by it and smiled at me when i looked in her direction several times. When we got up and payed, and walked out with our arms around eachother, i looked back over my schoulder and she was really pissed off.
4.Call you alot(sometimes they'll hang up on you)
Yeah, same with the ticking of the pens :)
5.And sometimes they'll just come right out and say it.
Be suspecious in that case, but absolutely not paranoid. He/She _may_ be trying out or something like that, but again, that isn't always the case.
6.Smile at you alot(you can tell what they mean by the smile if you pay attention to thier eyes).
True, altough personally i don't need to look at the eyes, i get the general picture ;)
And that's all I cna think of for now.Bye.
I'm actually suprised of what i know of it myself (not much, but it's a lot for me as i do it all on my feelings) :~
[#doom] <Jon^D> zeur: you're not making any sense
[#doom] <zeurkous> do i ever?