Well, I don't know if my views are "weird", but I would like to see how typical my preferences are among people on here.
At this point, I am interested in girls that are very much the opposite of me. Not polar opposites with absolutely nothing alike, but opposite in thinking style and strengths. In other words, I would like someone who is quite people-oriented and understands the subtleties of the emotional/social side of life well, and is less proficient in technical and mathematical/scientific fields. At one point I thought that it would be fun to have a girl who shared my interests in scientific fields (or obsessions if you wish to call them that, though I don't like to use that word as it makes them sound useless and ridiculous), though at this point it's as if the less we have in common intellectually the more interesting I think she is.
This gets me disliked in certain circles, because they think that the fact that I am not attracted to girls interested in math and science means I advocate discrimination against women in those fields (I guess I say things literally and others read between the lines, as always). I guess the problem is compounded when I mention that I naturally think of mathematical/scientific oriented-ness as "masculine" and people-oriented-ness as "feminine"--even though those are my personal "gut" interpretations and don't mean that the women in science are unqualified. In particular the whole Larry Summers debate has gotten me into some quite heated discussions with friends.
I also at this point am not really purposely looking for long-term, committed relationships, but more for casual involvement with the opposite sex (it's not as if I'm getting anywhere though--aside from social awkwardness, taking only science classes I don't seem to meet many of my type). I guess at this stage, the excitement of attraction is the most important element, and that may be one reason for my "opposites attract" opinion. If I were looking more for a less passionate "partnership" kind of relationship, maybe I would value shared interests more. I was wondering if I sound like many others here.