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Blue Jay
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23 Jun 2011, 12:15 am

My name is Andrew

I am currently a student at college. I am 21. I love anime and comics like dc and marvel. I love to draw. I am trying to get an art degree. My favortive sport is wreastling and martial arts. I love history. My favortive music is country and rock&roll. I also love to write. My favortive movie is sucker punch and 300. I have blue eyes.


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29 Jun 2011, 6:44 pm

do i have 2.......i don't like to, no please, i'll be over here.

everything is funny if your looking at it right

Snowy Owl
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01 Jul 2011, 6:27 pm

I'm Jordan. Here's a few facts about me for those interested

--I'm 23, 24 in September.

--I'm from a small town of about 1,000 people in Northwest Virginia known as Goshen. There's not much to do or see here, needless to say (aside from Goshen Pass, a famous landmark of ours.)

--Appearance: 5'8, probably around 220-230 lbs (Been a while since I've been on a scale. I'm definitely on the overweight side, however...), short brown hair with a white streak of hair, brown eyes.

--My interests include politics, trivia (well, I watch Jeopardy and like it.), Psychology, to some extent, some philosophy, the Paranormal (I'm always looking through the DirecTV guide to look for some decent paranormal programming, like UFO Hunters, an old favorite of mine. UFO Files is cool, too. Also, plan to buy some books on werewolf/shapeshifter sightings, UFO books, books on "little people", NDEs, the collected works of Charles Fort, etc, as soon as my brain fog becomes more manageable. If some smug "Skeptics" find it amusing that I'm intrigued by such phenomena and am willing to give it a fair shake, as opposed to cursory dismissal and ridicule, so be it. I don't live to accommodate other people's a priori concepts and biases) and video games, of which I like RPGs and shooters, as well as some of the more classic games/hacks of those games, etc. Also, I plan on trying fishing again once my depression is under control and I have some energy. I did it as kid with my mom's boyfriend of the time and had a real blast. Hiking will be a priority too, I think

--On Politics, I consider myself a Radical Centrist, who's views err more towards the left side of the spectrum than the right side, although I definitely do have some views one would consider right leaning.

--Personality: I'm distant and sort of due to my depression and anhedonia, currently. That said, even when not depressed, I've more or less always been a pretty quiet, self-critical and introverted individual; definitely viewed as odd among my friends back when I was in school, though they seemed to accept that. A few pats on the shoulder I will give myself however, are that A) I'm polite, B) I don't take out my issues on other people, C) I can be relatively well spoken and D) When I'm invested in a conversation, I don't censor my opinion. If people want to hear my political opinions, for instance, I'll shoot from the hip. I won't be a dick about it, but at the same time, I'm not going to mold my views so as not to rock the boat.

--As for religion, I'm agnostic, leaning towards atheistic, at least regarding the God of the "Big Three" Orthodox religions.

Anyways, if anybody wants to know anything else about me, or is interested in me elaborating on a point I made in here, ask me here or PM me if you want and I'll try and get back to you.

Last edited by Jordan87 on 02 Jul 2011, 12:34 am, edited 3 times in total.


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01 Jul 2011, 11:55 pm

My name is Jim Bradley Little. I love Mathematics, History and Psychology. I am of German, and Cherokee, decent. I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome when I was 7 years old.


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03 Jul 2011, 8:33 pm

Evening, my name is Jon. Given name is Jonathan. I much prefer the former.

I currently attend Orange County Community College, and hope to transfer to the School of Visual Arts in New York City to study cartooning.

Accompanying facts: I am gay, a self-proclaimed, from a small city in New York State, an atheist, an artist, and steadily becoming a proud Aspergian... I am not particularly certain of what else to include, at the moment.

Emu Egg
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04 Jul 2011, 5:56 am

The name's Kevin. I am 21 years old and live in the Netherlands. My English skills are absolutely awesome though (I'm even studying to become a Dutch <---> English translator), so hey, that's positive aspect number one right there! :D

Of course, I do have Asperger's, which keeps me from having a proper social life. So instead of trying to make friends and finding love, I try to make them find me instead. I have only one friend, but I know for a fact that he is a friend for life. I met him on another forum about 6 years ago. The only downside is that we live so far apart (he lives in England), but otherwise I'm absolutely blessed to have met him. If I hadn't, I'd be the loneliest guy on earth right now. Don't take this the wrong way - I fancy girls :P

There we have probably my greatest desire: to find true love. Given my social awkwardness, I sometimes fear I'll never find love at all, ever. At other times I think, that's bull. Believe in yourself, and in her, whoever she might be. We'll find each other, someday. Sounds corny, I know, but it's simply how I feel. I'm a hopeless romantic, so deal with it :D

I've grown more confident over the past year, knowing that it's no use to keep complaining about being single and all that. I still desire love very much, but you know what they say: first, you must learn to love yourself.

As for my personal interests: My favourite actor is Sean Bean, and I enjoy drawing comics. I'm currently working on an original story (early drafts can be seen on my Deviantart page), which I hope to someday turn into a proper comic :)

So yeah, that's me! If anyone's interested in getting to know me better or anything, don't be afraid to message me. I welcome new potential friends (maybe even a lover? :oops: Hey, I can hope.) with all my heart.


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04 Jul 2011, 2:37 pm

Hello, I'm Wes. I've known about WP for a few years, but only recently joined when I realized I do need some sort of support for this.

Who am I? In a nutshell I was voted Prom King in H.S. but didn't have a date to the dance...haha! That sums me up pretty much. That should have been my first clue that I had Aspergers. How many more clues have I missed in the intervening years, I don't know.

I work as a sound editor in film and am pretty good at it (yea Aspergers!), but I don't particularly like the work. I studied writing and directing at University of Southern California, and that is where my passion lies: Storytelling.

I grew up poor, on a farm, working like a dog since the age of 6 -- so I'm kind of a workaholic, and get antsy/guilty on vacations.

Despite this, I'm still rather poor, though by choice, as I edit sound for film just enough to survive so I can spend more time to write. That is probably rather selfish. Oh well.

I'm average build, 6', 185#. I'm given to understand that I'm decent looking. I don't know.

I like RPGs, film (I see on average 3 films a week, though I feel compelled to see even more!). I like scuba diving, and been skydiving (but that was boring to me after two jumps, haha). I play video games occasionally (PC only). I read a lot, but am a slow reader.

I was in therapy for three + years, but was sort of misdiagnosed. Therapist thought I was only depressed, clinically so, but this never clicked with me. I don't blame her for missing the Aspie component -- I lack one of the more obvious symptoms -- the talking (rambling on). Since I grew up on a farm, I had no one to talk to really, and so all that dialog became internal. My mind races constantly, and I can type on and on (as I'm doing now, rambling in my own way). But once I was evaluated for Aspergers in other areas, it was clear this existed in me and was the actual source of my depression. Once this was known to me, it was like a veil was lifted -- all the unexplicable events in my life suddenly made sense. All the missed social cues, the missed career opportunities. Once I understood what was happening with me, I knew I could compensate and adjust, and life has been more successful.

I used to obsess over dolphins when I was in elementary school, and I had memorized all the species and their Latin names.

I have very picky tastes in a potential soulmate. Must be astrophysics-type smart, athletic, and have a child-like enthusiasm for life. But truth be told, I enjoy he company of most women. Somehow I haven't become embittered (yes, disappointed at times, but not bitter). Problem is/was that I was never able to tell if they were interested in me. Quite literally, unless she was wrapping her arms around my neck, I wouldn't have a clue. My more successful female relationships have been with Latin-based cultures (French, Italian, Spanish, etc) where emotions and feelings are expressed more openly -- this I learned recently.

Okay...I need to stop typing now.


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05 Jul 2011, 8:25 pm


I'm 28 and i'm from Portugal. My english skills aren't great and i'm not good on maintaining a coherent speech. I'm not working at the moment (it's been 5 months), don't have any friends and no romantic relationship. I don't need to say that my social skills are null. But I'm trying to improve.

I like good movies, reading, and that's it. I have no other hobbies.

Writing this text made even more depressed.

Emu Egg
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05 Jul 2011, 8:58 pm

I am a 41 year old Aspie with a Master's degree and virtually no dating experiences. I did have a girlfriend once, and we nearly did the follow through, though we never quite did do this, If you know what I mean. At that time I was 28 years old and had never been able to reconcile the concepts of love, and sex, most likely due to the fact that I didn't understand the mental bonds formed between male and female brains. The way I look at things, this was due to some strange delayed social learning process, one of the many oddities in my life that led to my original Asperger's diagnosis. Like most Aspies, all of my peculiarities involve rigid routinisation, and compartementalisation of my emotions, as well as a basic lack of natural instincts in many areas that the normies find no difficulty.

When I am working, or not focussing on the concept of "relationships", I find myself almost happy and childlike. When I now see others about me with their teenage children, let's say at one of the local theme parks here in Florida, I then feel very depersonalised, and rather strange. I feel most of all as though I've played some kind of cruel trick on myself.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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07 Jul 2011, 12:12 am

my name is Greg Silverman live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada . i am 19 turing 20 next month i am starting college in the fall and studing video edting and digtal photograpey with a hint of radio brodcasting i wanna edit skateboard videos or take skateboard photos as my dream job. i skateboard and i get better everyday my best tricks atm r : flat ground half cab kickflip( the boardflips behind u and spins in front of u and u spin with it), rail and ledge trick noseslide( the nose of the board slides on a rail or ledge) my best trick on a bank or quater pipe is kickflip( go up do a kickflip where the board flips behind me come down) my best trick over a jump type thing is varial kicklfip over my kicker( a wooden jump i flip the board behind me while in spins in front of but i dont spin with it as i do this i clear the jump) and set trick is kickflip down a 3 set( i kickflip down 3 stairs) but i can also ollie a 4 set( jump down 4 stairs on my board) i like flimingéshotting lots of videos and editing them / enhacning the photos and putting them in video, i also skate in them and have various ppl flim and photograph me. i like video games mostly figtthers and rpgs like runescape, final fantasy 13, fable 3, dungion siege 3, elder scrolls 5,assasins creed 3,zelda games,mortal kombat 9, surper street fighter 4, marvel vs capcom 3, dragon ball raging blast 2 and i also like skate 3 and guitar hero / rock band games i mostly play online now.i also love music and am a singer( making a band have guitarist ,drummer and basteist but the basessist has to learn power chords and double bass first) i can do cleans, screams, growls and pig squells. i also write songs i will be mhy bands vocalist and song wrtier i also can write poems but only do them when trying to charm a girl i like. the types of music i like r: rap( gud rap like old school/ 90s gangsta s**t/new underground stuff NOT the crap u hear on the radio these days) fave rappers immortal techquie,necro, three six mafia and lupe fieasco, punk fave punk bands rise against, nofx ,rancid, green day, the offspring, the casulties,anti flag and billy talent, metal( nu metal, metalcore, thrash metal, death metal, deathcore, power metal, groove metal, sypmhoinc power metal, meldoic death metal, classic meta, hair metal and alt metal) fave metal bands metalica, overkill, triviem, avenged sevenfold,slipknot,mastodon,scar symentry and as i lay dying, classic rock fave bands ledzpulin, pink floyd ,the who , the beattles and neil young, pop punk fave bands saves the day, hit the lights, sum 41,cute is what we aim for,mest and new found glory, ska punk fave bands less than jake, leftover crack and luckey boys confusion, hardcore punk fave bands black flag, bad brains, minor threat, the misfits, the explioted and spazz , grindcore fave bands pig destroyer, the locust, the berzerker and rotten sound, altrtuive rock fave bands shinedown , three days grace, nirvana, peral jam,foo fighters and u2 and finnally indie rock fave bands aracade fire, kings of leon and broken social scene. i am very social despite my aspegers( which is labeled as aspects of the disorder by my doctor) i am very likable i make freinds easily. i am outgoing nad freindly and very kind caring and loyal, i am chill easygoin funny and quick to laugh and make silly jokes some wud say iam immature but i think i am fun and its part of my personailty so why change it. i may smoke weed with my freinds but i dont consider myself a stoner more of a free spirt that doesnt crave/ buy the s**t but follows the wind and if that takes me to tokking up with my freinds then whatever, i am a drifter and i really want a gf like me who is chill and carefree. my aspergers makes me very talkative and hyper and enegrtic it also make me instinctive and implussive i rareley think before i speak one o my only social qurks but lots of non aspies do that so its preety mild that and i go from one freind to another when i see someone else but thats due to my happy go luckey style. my old gf i treated her amazing gave her the worlld she dumped me for nothing cuz her freinds said s**t but the realtioship mostly stupid s**t like hes a ginger he has no soul or hes jewsih he'll jew u outta ur money and she broke up with me cuz she said her freinds didnt like us dating she wanting to be jus freinds i told to stay outta my life noone wantts to be even freinds with somone who dumps me for no reasson when i was so gud to u ur freinds said s**t who cares u dont need freinds like that her loss. i really want somone who is like me but too many girls these days suck. all in all i am chill cool , popular very fun dude and really knows alot about many things i am silver the silly skater dude ! !! !! !!

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Jul 2011, 1:11 pm

I'm Teddy!

I was born on a Tuesday in December of 1984, to my 21 year old mom and my 39 year old dad (make of that what you will) in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada; which no longer exists. When I was 10 I moved to PEI, and when I was 20 I moved back to Toronto.

I'm weird. I like being weird. Normal is boring. I eat the same things over and over, but every once in a while I switch what those things are. I love ground beef, and the things you make from it.

I have bad allergies. I think oxygen is what I'm allergic to, lol. I'm always online (when I can be anyway) and have averaged 14 hours online, each day, for the past few years.

I take Ritalin for suspected ADHD and Anti-Depressants for Depression. They make me act a little more normal. I love maps, my room is full of them. I love cats, we have two.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:44 am

Hi My Name is Annette.

Im from Brisbane Australia my nickname is Yoda due to the fact I do imitations of Yoda. I also love anything science fiction and I collect star trek memrobilia my favourite star trek characters are captain kirk, data and captain picard. Im outgoing but can be a Intrevert as well. Im abit of a tomboy and love anything to do with cars, football, world wrestling, horror movies, and computer games like battlefield, call of duty, medal of honor, halo, fear, resident evil, alien vrs predator and fighting games such as soul calabour, street fighter and world wresting games to riding a skateboard and mountain bike to going 4x4 wheel driving in the mud. I wear shorts and shirts, tracksuit pants, jumpers and slacks and wear sneakers with pink shoe laces I wear funny shirts and go around with a yoda backpack. I love anything to do with the eighties my room looks like a teenagers room with posters on the walls I am out there and have lava lamps, rope light and a light up green xbox hand controller, science fiction and computer game figurines around my room. I love listening to any type of music mostly eighties music U2, Icehouse and Inxs are my favourite bands.

Im into playing computer games or gaming consoles I have a xbox 360 kinnect, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable and a Nintendo ds and my computer. I love to draw and I love being creative arts and craft. I loving hanging out at home watching science fiction movies like alien vrs predator, predator, Independence day, Tron legacy, star wars. I love watching documentries and love watching Time Team, cooking shows and gardening shows, astronomy and history shows. Im also into ghosthunting and learning about the paranormal and history. I am out there but in a good way I have a unique personality I can be loud but I can also be quiet I like being alone but like the company occassionally. fighting games such as soul calabour, street fighter and world wresting games to riding a skateboard and mountain bike to going 4x4 wheel driving in the mud. I wear shorts and shirts, tracksuit pants, jumpers and slacks and wear sneakers with pink shoe laces I wear funny shirts and go around with a yoda backpack. I love anything to do with the eighties my room looks like a teenagers room with posters on the walls I am out there and have lava lamps, rope light and a light up green xbox hand controller, science fiction and computer game figurines around my room. I love listening to any type of music mostly eighties music U2, Icehouse and Inxs are my favourite bands.

Im into playing computer games or gaming consoles I have a xbox 360 kinnect, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable and a Nintendo ds and my computer. I love to draw and I love being creative arts and craft. I loving hanging out at home watching science fiction movies like alien vrs predator, predator, Independence day, Tron legacy, star wars. I love watching documentries and love watching Time Team, cooking shows and gardening shows, astronomy and history shows. Im also into ghosthunting and learning about the paranormal and history. I am out there but in a good way I have a unique personality I can be loud but I can also be quiet I like being alone but like the company occassionally.


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06 Aug 2011, 7:25 pm

I don't see the point in talking about myself, honestly. Who even reads this?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Aug 2011, 2:43 am

Haha wow, there are lots of these threads, aren't there? I'm just gonna copy what I put on another one.

I'm 17 (18 next month) and gay. I have Aspergers and am depressed. I really don't do many things, but I am very passionate about adventure games and anything creatively artistic. Whether it's stories, or pictures, or music especially. I want to make music with meaningful lyrics and clothes that say something about me, though I would need motivation first. And of course I want to make adventure games. So if you'd like to talk, message me(:


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11 Aug 2011, 5:42 pm

swbluto wrote:
I don't see the point in talking about myself, honestly. Who even reads this?

1148 people apparently.

oh, make that 1149.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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11 Aug 2011, 8:28 pm

swbluto wrote:
I don't see the point in talking about myself, honestly. Who even reads this?

While in some ways it may seem a bit laughable, you don't get anywhere unless you try. You can't really lose, since not having anyone respond is just like you haven't posted at all.