i had a long-term relationship with someone who didn't like the way i dressed, the way i wore my makeup, only liked my hair a certain way, etc. he told me that if my hair fell out he would appreciate it if i wore a wig instead of shaving my head or going bald. when my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and was going through chemotherapy, i was going to shave my head in support, but he was very upset with that idea. sometimes, he seemed outright ashamed of the way i looked, like i wasn't good enough for him.
if you have the urge to tell her to change things like the way she dresses right at the outset, it sounds like a slippery slope to wanting to control her behaviour, her mannerisms, her emotions, everything. it doesn't always end up being that type of situation, but it is on the same decline. when you have urges to mold or shape someone like that, she will just never be good enough. you will always find something else wrong with her.
individuals are not made up of putty to be shaped by other people's hands. is she is not perfect the way she is... leave her alone.
EDIT: if someone only compliments me when i wear certain types of clothes, or compliments the way other women dress, i can see right through it as manipulation. regular compliments or a nice comment when i make an effort to look good in my own way is completely different, and it is a really obvious distinction. i imagine other women can tell, also.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
Last edited by hyperlexian on 02 Sep 2011, 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.