sickforapathyx wrote:
Especially at my college campus, this is the main reason I can't find anyone. Does anyone else have this problem? I met this cool girl at school, but then she waited until like our 3rd conversation to slip in that she has a boyfriend, sigh -_-. Then I met this other girl who was pretty cute, and she added me on facebook, and then I also found out she had a bf >.<
Damn, maybe my luck just sucks, everyone tells me to use OkCupid, but I'm like "UGHHH -_-". I do have an OkCupid account but no luck.
Keep trying, you're bound to eventually meet someone who isn't committed to anyone and shows a genuine interest in you as a person. Look at this way, even if you're in the friend zone with a girl that's local, at least you'll still be invited to parties and other opportunities will arise from it. Don't build your hopes up too high on one person or take anything too seriously, just enjoy it for what it is.