Proof that aspies can have successful relationships

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12 Sep 2011, 9:29 pm

Grisha wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
Grisha wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
What is a category 4 rich is that something you've made up on the spot or does this jargon exist in the underground business world ?

I 'm guessing category 4 is comfortably well off A$75,00- $100000 a year. category 3 upper middle class $150,000 ++ ++

# 2 Rich say millions a year and

# 1 Bill gates rich .

Am I close ?

Your category really depends on where you live, in southern California US$150,000 is definitely middle-middle class.

So how does a min wage person live in Sth Calfornia , with Mommy I suppose ? :cheers: to Mommy

I worked for minimum wage for a number of years with no parents to fall back on. I survived by having more roomates than I was comfortable with in areas that were less than desirable (to say the least).

It was a strong motivator to get my act together though - I think the American economy is driven largely by fear of homelessness... :wink:

Well yes will America ever change it's ways admit perhaps in some instances the American way ain't all it's cracked up to be it doesn't have to look to France or Germany that would be to radical what about Switzerland ? you can get universal healthcare their and as far as I'm aware nobody fears of homelessness I even got disability their even though I never contributed a cent in taxes their

Switzerland also never has a unemployment problem or a competitiveness one ether often at that top or near the top of the tables

I some how doubt it some of the Republicans policy's their are even scarier than their hair* what sort of person says social security is nothing more than a ponzi scheme?

*every presidential debate looks like a bachorlette (tv show) casting oily hair and even greasier platitudes love me love me I'm outgoing , :eew:

I'd like to see a presidential candidate without creepy hair does such a person exist :wink: (bye bye one term not so creepy haired one term Obama) 8O

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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12 Sep 2011, 10:11 pm

aussiebloke wrote:
Grisha wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
Grisha wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
What is a category 4 rich is that something you've made up on the spot or does this jargon exist in the underground business world ?

I 'm guessing category 4 is comfortably well off A$75,00- $100000 a year. category 3 upper middle class $150,000 ++ ++

# 2 Rich say millions a year and

# 1 Bill gates rich .

Am I close ?

Your category really depends on where you live, in southern California US$150,000 is definitely middle-middle class.

So how does a min wage person live in Sth Calfornia , with Mommy I suppose ? :cheers: to Mommy

I worked for minimum wage for a number of years with no parents to fall back on. I survived by having more roomates than I was comfortable with in areas that were less than desirable (to say the least).

It was a strong motivator to get my act together though - I think the American economy is driven largely by fear of homelessness... :wink:

Well yes will America ever change it's ways admit perhaps in some instances the American
way ain't all it's cracked up to be it doesn't have to look to France or Germany that would be to radical what about Switzerland ? you can get universal healthcare their and as far as I'm aware nobody fears of homelessness I even got disability their even though I never contributed a cent in taxes their

Switzerland also never has a unemployment problem or a competitiveness one ether often at that top or near the top of the tables

I some how doubt it some of the Republicans policy's their are even scarier than their hair* what sort of person says social security is nothing more than a ponzi scheme?

*every presidential debate looks like a bachorlette (tv show) casting oily hair and even greasier platitudes love me love me I'm outgoing , :eew:

I'd like to see a presidential candidate without creepy hair does such a person exist :wink:
(bye bye one term not so creepy haired one term Obama) 8O

You have to understand that 50% (ironically the poorer half) of the population literally threatens armed insurrection whenever anything resembling a European-style social safety net is proposed, and this will not change in my lifetime. I have adapted to this environment and my activist days are behind me.

However, I believe that it is unwise to discount the political saavy of President Obama - I believe that (thankfully) he will win another term which will allow him to pursue a more aggressive reform agenda than he could accomplish in the first one.

You heard it here first. 8)


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12 Sep 2011, 10:13 pm


we shall wait and see :)

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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12 Sep 2011, 10:45 pm

Thom_Fuleri wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
Aspie men can never have a successful relationship they'll never be Mr $ight how can they be they do not care for materiel success these materially successful aspie males are only doing it for the following reasons could their be any other reasons?

1.Their trying to stick it to some one perhaps their many teachers and family members who told them they would grow up to be an abject failure or a jail bird I'm to decent for that sort of nonsense.

2.They have horrendously expensive and time consuming and in my eyes pointless special interests like cars or women.

Many reasons. These two are not that common (there are a lot of people doing #2, but they aren't usually as rich as they make out).

3. Some entrepeneurs make lots of money because they want to. The money itself is nice, but it's largely there to keep score. They run their businesses, as big and successful as they can, because they enjoy the challenge.

4. Being rich is being financially independent. If you've got millions, you need never work again - though you probably will. It's a very different thing to work because you want to rather than because you have to.

5. Raising large sums of money for particular causes (usually charities).

6. In some cases, it isn't even what they're aiming for but incidental. It's like a musician that loves to write music, and suddenly has a big hit - the money is nice, but it's not the goal. It's the music. He'll keep writing whether he makes money or not.

I'm not rich (yet) but I'm definitely in category #4. After which I'll drift into #3.

Yep. This is quite true I think of most entrepreneurs. I'm somewhere between #4 and #6. Just started a business with two NTs who make up for areas I lack (people skills and law). We're doing it because we love our business, and yeah we'd like to make a living at it, but that will be incidental.


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13 Sep 2011, 11:00 am

aussiebloke wrote:
What is a category 4 rich is that something you've made up on the spot or does this jargon exist in the underground business world ?

No no. Much simpler than that. I numbered several reasons for becoming rich, and said mine would be #4.

Someone famous once said that you can never be too thin or too rich. A big reason why wanting to be "rich" seldom gets anywhere is that it's too vague - rich is a relative term. Having a million pound - that's a target.


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15 Sep 2011, 9:23 pm

No they can't according to one aspie female member the men at the meet |ups either irritated her or aroused her self pity , which sounds like a fair assessment to me, so which one are you :wink:

I'm both! I

I've accepted it and moved on (long time ago)

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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25 Sep 2011, 6:24 pm

AmyF wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
Erisad wrote:
AmyF wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
queenserenity22 wrote:
Me and my boyfriend have been together for four months and in september we will have known each other for a year. We both have have aspergers and we get along great he is my best friend and a wonderful partner. We have so much fun together. I love him so much and don't want any one else but him. :heart: :heart:

"FUN" :?

Stop your goddamn whining. once again: You don't have to read this stuff.

Seriously Aussiebloke, you're being quite rude. Not cool. :/

Hardly it was a dig at myself, I'm not at all familiar with this fun concepts nor am I willing to learn I'm at the age where you can't teach this dog new tricks from my observation fun for people around my age includes:

1.Drinking copious amounts of alcohol and making an ass of yourself extra points shall be given for a bar brawl and or jail time.

2. Going to overpriced theme parks while blissfully (ignorance is bliss) mindlessly cheering to frightened and dispirited animals , extra points are given if you chow down $22 misery burger yes meat is misery and murder , I guess I need to accept humans being humans they put their very very minor interests (pleasing a palate) ahead of the major interests of animals (stay alive and be free from pain and suffering I guess that's what being human is all about.

3."Shopping sprees" 100's of dollars (extra points shall be given if it's in the 1000's) on overpriced branded clothing which will go out of fashion tomorrow.

This is one of the many reasons I can never have a GF :D which suits me just fine, I thought I was surrounded by rational people whatever do you hope to achieve ? Will it change you? or make you a better person? why would you want a coning, controlling costly money pit in your life who's only likely to take you away from special interests,?

Why are we even entertaing the possibility it's akin to putting Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and a PS3 in a room , ie nothing much can come out of it it , or more than likely end up in tears ( gold digger for the men) and a nut job for the women.

Worst of all you need become dependent and trusting of some one why would you do such a thing ? have you not learned your lessons that nobody can be trusted I trust no one you'd be wise to do likewise.

Aren't you just a little ball of joy? You're pretty much the reason I hate hanging out with autistic people. None of you know how to have fun and hate everything normal.

Well the irony in what you say is all my special interest's past and present where I was ridiculed and often beaten up over is now thoroughly mainstream :roll: I guess I was ahead of my time wasn't I ?

Is it any wonder autistics loath Nt's (sadly often misinterpreted as self loathing :cry: / think Nt's are beneath them ?

Back to the Op what do you hope to get out of it do you think it will change you make you a better person whatever do you hope to achieve ? Let me guess your many bullies said your a loser who can never have a GF so your trying to stick it to them? Or did one of your many family members tell you you'll end up like Ted Bundy if you don't have a wife and help overpopulate the world. Wont somebody please set the Op straight ?

Why would you want a brain mushing (I find my Iq drops 10 points when I'm in the company of people which is terrifying when like most shumkos (sp) barely cracking 3 figures is a terrifying experience , may be you've got more juice in reserve which is nice for you just don't go rubbing my nose in it or I will put you back in your box. :wink:

So you get a GF it's a brain mushing, tediously frustrating wallet draining experience and here I thought I was surrounded by rational people. :shrug:

Hopefully you'll be smart and familiarise yourself with a pre nup.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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07 Nov 2011, 8:32 pm

Good for you your a winner is that what you want to here ?

I would have thought a partner to so one with aspergers would be as productive as a abmaster 3000 actually I've got the metaphor going on in my head though it shall be kept to myself I don't need a Pm for being "offensive" or " disrespectful " their seems to be quite a few tattle tales around here and as Mike Brady said to Cindi nobody likes a tattle tale.

I have no idea what the OP is going on about?

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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07 Nov 2011, 10:24 pm

I've had four relationships and two of them were absolutely great. Obviously I'm not with either of those ladies but from start to finish I never felt bad about the relationships. I've been single for a while now but I hope that one day I can again meet someone who I can share my life with.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Nov 2011, 10:45 pm

Wait, who said we can't, again?

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07 Nov 2011, 11:07 pm

I'm aspie, and my girlfriend is undiagnosed but certainly shares a few symptoms with me. It's rocky at times-sometimes one of us gets frustrated with our life and takes it out on the other. But we love each other, and having someone who loves you really provides a lot of stability and comfort in your life (as cheesy as that may sound).


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08 Nov 2011, 12:15 am

aussiebloke wrote:
Good for you your a winner is that what you want to here ?

I would have thought a partner to so one with aspergers would be as productive as a abmaster 3000 actually I've got the metaphor going on in my head though it shall be kept to myself I don't need a Pm for being "offensive" or " disrespectful " their seems to be quite a few tattle tales around here and as Mike Brady said to Cindi nobody likes a tattle tale.

I have no idea what the OP is going on about?

why do you resurrect threads just to moan about them? it's a weird habit that doesn't do anyone any favours, including yourself.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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08 Nov 2011, 5:05 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You've given up, people. You've decided it's too late to try again, that you can't succeed, that it's all over. At 45, I'm pretty sure you WILL fail miserably if you're using dating techniques for teenagers! If at first you don't succeed, try something else - quit the bar scene (that stinks anyway), consider what you have to offer, rethink what you're looking for. The perfect woman does not exist, so lower your standards. Don't go looking for a long-term relationship from the start, because that will just put women off - these need to develop over time. Look for a short term fling instead. If it'll work out, it'll turn long term. If not, move on.

If you're including me in that category then you're wrong.

I don't go to pubs/clubs nor I have impossible or perfect woman standards. You simply don't know me, so don't put everyone in your imaginary basket. You want to judge people, name them.

As for "seek a fling first, it'll turn long term" , in fact, that's what the teen boys usually do (and yet you were criticizing 'techniques for teenagers'). I am not sure if this applies well on the straight adult dating scene, I don't think many women would tolerate that idea, but all the straight relationships I've witnessed didn't start like this.

That went unreplied.


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08 Nov 2011, 6:10 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
Good for you your a winner is that what you want to here ?

I would have thought a partner to so one with aspergers would be as productive as a abmaster 3000 actually I've got the metaphor going on in my head though it shall be kept to myself I don't need a Pm for being "offensive" or " disrespectful " their seems to be quite a few tattle tales around here and as Mike Brady said to Cindi nobody likes a tattle tale.

I have no idea what the OP is going on about?

why do you resurrect threads just to moan about them? it's a weird habit that doesn't do anyone any favours, including yourself.

I've got plenty to add but I will stop now OK :wink:

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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08 Nov 2011, 8:02 pm

Henbane wrote:
I like this thread.

I don't I think I'm going to puke .

No more I promise .

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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08 Nov 2011, 10:45 pm

zlonis wrote:
I'm aspie, and my girlfriend is undiagnosed but certainly shares a few symptoms with me. It's rocky at times-sometimes one of us gets frustrated with our life and takes it out on the other. But we love each other, and having someone who loves you really provides a lot of stability and comfort in your life (as cheesy as that may sound).

Stability and comfort, mixed with love, is a good recipe.