LuckyLeft wrote:
I've made progress, by having legitimate female friends over the past year, but they didn't last. And besides, I don't think I was being myself completely. I did act a little 'odd' around them once we associate outside of classes sometimes. I would be around them and one, if not both, would ask, "Why do you do that?" "Do What?" I asked, and I still don't know what it was, because she didn't respond. Perhaps of me stopping talking in conversations and/or looking off into 'space', or some other eccentric behavior of mine. They also tried the "hooking me up with a female" process with one of the girls roommates, and I said I wasn't interested, because I wasn't attracted to her. The girl who offered it up got angry, and she was persistent about this past Valentine's Day. The girls tried to lie to her and said I liked her and I didn't. I'm thinking to myself, "I thought people ended this nonsense in high school! AAGH!" If I truthfully was being myself, a lot of the females wouldn't be attracted to me, because of my eccentric behavior patterns. I guess I'm decent looking enough to be in these situations, but that doesn't make it any better to cope with.
That is so weird. I've had tons of female friends, but never did they try to hook me up with someone.
I've never had anything serious. I blame my environment. Economics is fun and all that, but you're not likely to meet people there who like quirky guys. I'm happy to have found a number of friends who like me. Also, I just don't go out in the wide world where you're supposed to meet all these girls everybody keeps talking about.
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
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